
Primary LanguageScala


Basic Setup

  1. Install the Simple Build Tool, version 0.11

  2. The project builds and runs against the oauth2 branch of Unfiltered. Currently this is not available from a repo, so you need to build and install it locally first.

    1. git clone git://github.com/unfiltered/unfiltered.git
    2. cd unfiltered
    3. git checkout oauth2
    4. Edit project/build.scala and change scalaVersion to "2.9.1"
    5. Clear the Ivy cache: rm -Rf ~/.ivy2/cache
    6. sbt (to start the sbt command shell)
    7. compile and then publish-local [1]
  3. cd connect

  4. sbt

  5. From the sbt command line, run compile or test

Client and Server

These can be run from within sbt. Alternatively, from the command line:

  1. sbt "project server" run
  2. sbt "project client" run

The test server authentication accepts any username and password, but the only valid user (defined in TestUsers) has the id "john", so the openid authentication should fail for other user names.

[1]: Alternatively, you can run multiple sbt commands from the standard command line, e.g. sbt ";compile ;publish-local"