
Frontend Localstore ORM for angular

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A attempt to make a slight improvement to our santiy when working model-ish objects persisted in localstore.


Through bower:

$ bower install angular-florm

Otherwise you need to grab angular-florm.js from lib/ folder


You've probably seen this before somewhere already.

angular.module('myApp', ['ngFlorm']);
var $florm = angular.injector(['myApp']).get('$florm')

var Users  = $florm('users');
var user  = Users.new({name: 'foo', password : 'bar'});

user.potatoes = 12;
user.save(); // Persists using window.localStore

Users.all({potatoes : 12});  // --> [{name:'foo', ...}]
Users.find(user.id); // --> {name:'foo'}
Users.find({name: 'foo'}); // --> {name:'foo'}


angular.module('myApp', ['ngFlorm']);
var $florm = angular.injector(['myApp']).get('$florm')

var Gorillas = $florm('gorillas',{hasMany:'bananas'}),
Bananas = $florm('bananas',{belongsTo:'gorillas'}),
ape = Gorillas.create();
banana = Banans.create();

// Associate banana to ape.

// Read relations
console.log(ape.bananas); // --> [{...}]
// -- or the reverse
console.log(banana.gorillas); --> {...}

// Remove relation

// Associating through belongsTo field.
banana.gorillas = ape; // using reference
banana.gorillas = ape.id; // using id

// Removing an belongsTo association
banana.gorillas = null;

note: I'm skipping inflections for now, was about to add an inflection dependency but figured it would just cause unecessary overhead. So in other words, you'll have to live with banana.gorillas instead of banana.gorilla