
Fully Decentralized Virtual Machine

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

pure | 📦 code style | standard


Magical redux-like state handler using picofeed blockchains

TODO: rewrite this section/ entire readme

PicoStore - picofeed powered blockchain state reducer (blockend-toolkit) Compatible with what ever frontend framework you wish to use.

The reduced state is always persisted and consistent across reloads and application restarts. (Automagically restores in-memory state from cold-storage)

Works in browser and nodejs using leveldb and IndexedDB. (levelup) Use MemoryLevel in unit-tests.


$ npm i @telamon/picostore browser-level
// Initialize a new store using
const db = ... // level-dbs-like-interface
const store = new PicoStore(db)

// Define a block-validator function,
// that checks if a block can be applied given content, author / something.
const canMutate = ({ state, block }) => {
  // Extract value from block
  const n = JSON.parse(block.body)

  // New value is valid if higher than previous value
  if (n <= state) return true

// Define a state reducer
const reducer = ({ state, block }) => {
  // returns new state of counter
  return JSON.parse(block.body)

// Registers the counter store with 5 being initial state.
store.register('counter', 5, canMutate, reducer)
await store.load()

console.log(store.state.counter) // => 5

// Mutate the state by creating a new feed and dispatching it.
const { sk } = Feed.signPair()
const mutations = new Feed()

// append new value as a transaction
mutations.append(JSON.stringify(7), sk)

// dispatch the transactions
let changed = await store.dispatch(mutations)

// dispatch returns a list of registers that were modified by the feed
console.log(changed) // => ['counter']

// state is mutated.
console.log(store.state.counter) // => 7

Using with Svelte:

import { readable } from 'svelte/stores'
import PicoStore from 'picostore'

// Initialize a store maintaining "posts"
const store = new PicoStore(...)
store.register('posts', ...)

// Voilá a Svelte readable store
const posts = readable(store.state.posts, set => store.on('posts', set))

Using with React:

import PicoStore from 'picostore'
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'

// PicoHook
function usePico (store, name) {
  const [value, set] = useState(store.state[name])
  useEffect(() => store.on(name, set), [store, name, set]) // ensure unsub on unmount
  return value

// Initialize a store maintaining "posts"
const store = new PicoStore(...)
store.register('posts', ...)

function ListPostsComponent() {
  const posts = usePico(store, 'posts')
  return (<ul>
    {posts.map(post => (<li>{post.title}</li>))}




|  __ \   Help Wanted!     | | | |         | |
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If you're reading this it means that the docs are missing or in a bad state.

Writing and maintaining friendly and useful documentation takes
effort and time.

 |                                                 |
 |  - Open an issue if you have questions!         |
 |  - Star this repo if you found it interesting   |
 |  - Fork off & help document <3                  |
 |  - Say Hi! :) https://discord.gg/K5XjmZx        |


[2.0.0] - 2022-10-19

  • WeblocksAPI
  • internal serializer changed to msgpackr
  • added OOOB cache
  • Exposed tags AUTHOR & CHAIN on public api's
  • memdown devDep replaced with MemoryLevel
  • signal() & trap() api
  • craploads of bugfixes

[1.3.0] - 2021-10-29

  • added parentBlock to validator & reducer interface
  • added dispatch(feed, loudFail = false) setting to true will throw on validation error
  • changed returning true within a validator silently ignores block even with loudFail active
  • fixed craploads of bugs

[1.0.0] first release


By making a pull request, you agree to release your modifications under the license stated in the next section.

Only changesets by human contributors will be accepted.



2021 🄯 Tony Ivanov