The goal is to detect build issues of and conflicts between Gentoo Linux packages.
side note: I started with 2-3 dozen lines of one or two shell scripts. Unfortunately I missed the point of no return when I added additional 2-3 KLOC. Whilst it works and will be maintained I do not plan to add additional functionality to it.
The current stage3 file is downloaded, verified and unpacked, profile, keyword and USE flag are set. Mandatory portage config files will be compiled. Few required packages will be installed. A backlog is filled up with all available package in a randomized order (/var/tmp/tb/backlog). A symlink is made into ~/run and the image is started. <image>
The wrapper handles all sandbox related actions and gives control to which is the heart of the tinderbox.
Without any arguments all symlinks in ~/run are processed. <image>
A marker file /var/tmp/tb/STOP is created in that image. The current emerge operation will be finished before removes the marker file and exits.
sudo /opt/tb/bin/ -m <mount point>
This uses bubblewrap (a better chroot, see
Stop the image and remove the symlink in ~/run. The image itself will stay in its data dir till that is cleanud up. -otlpc
New findings are send via email to the user specified in the variable mailto. Bugs are be filed using A copy+paste ready command line is included in the bug email.
- stop image if it is running
- go into it
- inspect/adapt files in /etc/portage/packages.
- do your work in the local image repository to test new/changed ebuilds
- exit
Add package(s) to be tested (goes into /var/tmp/tb/backlog.upd of each image): @system app-portage/pfl
STOP can be used instead INFO to stop the image at that point, the following text will become the subject of an email.
The script feeds repository updates into the file backlog.upd of each image. And it is used too to retest an emerge of given package(s). is a helper to notify about non-empty log file(s). stops an older and spins up a new image based on age and amount of installed packages.
Create the user tinderbox:
useradd -m tinderbox
usermod -a -G portage tinderbox
Run as root:
mkdir /opt/tb
chmod 750 /opt/tb
chgrp tinderbox /opt/tb
Run as user tinderbox in ~tinderbox :
mkdir distfiles img logs run tb
Clone this Git repository.
Move ./data and ./sdata into ~tinderbox/tb/. Move ./bin into */opt/tb/ as user root. The user tinderbox must not be allowed to edit the scripts in /opt/tb/bin. The user tinderbox must have write permissions for files in ~tinderbox/tb/data. Edit the credentials in ~tinderbox/sdata and strip away the suffix .sample, set ownership/rwx-access of this subdirectory and its files to user root only. Grant sudo rights to the user tinderbox:
tinderbox ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /opt/tb/bin/,/opt/tb/bin/,/opt/tb/bin/,/opt/tb/bin/
Maybe create this crontab entries for user tinderbox:
# update image backlogs
14 * * * * /opt/tb/bin/
# save cpu cycles
@hourly f=/tmp/cflagsknown2fail; sort -u ~tinderbox/run/*/etc/portage/package.env/cflags_default 2>/dev/null | column -t >$f && for i in $(ls -d ~/run/*/etc/portage/package.env/ 2>/dev/null); do cp $f $i; done
# house keeping
@weekly find ~tinderbox/distfiles/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -atime +366 -exec rm "{}" \
# renew image
15 * * * * l=/tmp/$$ && /opt/tb/bin/ &>$l; cat $l; rm $l