
👩‍🍳Front-end application for design.numerique.gouv.fr

Primary LanguageVue


Initial setup

  • git clone git@github.com:DISIC/design.numerique.gouv.fr.git
  • npm install --global @gridsome/cli
  • npm install

Run the projet

  • Enter directory cd design.numerique.gouv.fr
  • Run gridsome develop to start local development
    • This won't run unless you're also running the APIs from this repo

    • If your work is unrelated to the APIs, you can also comment out these 2 parts below from gridsome.config.js while you develop.

        use: '@gridsome/source-strapi',
        options: {
          apiURL: process.env.STRAPI_API,
          queryLimit: 1000, // Defaults to 100
          contentTypes: ['jobs'],


      templates: {
        StrapiJobs: '/recrutement/:title',