
Primary LanguagePython

Jio Cinema Bot


1. Getting Google OAuth API credential file and token.pickle


  • Old authentication changed, now we can't use bot or replit to generate token.pickle. You need OS with a browser.
  • Windows users should install python3 and pip. You can find how to install and use them from google or from this telegraph from Wiszky tutorial.
  • You can ONLY open the generated link from generate_drive_token.py in local browser.
  1. Visit the Google Cloud Console
  2. Go to the OAuth Consent tab, fill it, and save.
  3. Go to the Credentials tab and click Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID
  4. Choose Desktop and Create.
  5. Publish your OAuth consent screen App to prevent token.pickle from expire
  6. Use the download button to download your credentials.
  7. Move that file to the root of mirrorbot, and rename it to credentials.json
  8. Visit Google API page
  9. Search for Google Drive Api and enable it
  10. Finally, run the script to generate token.pickle file for Google Drive:
pip3 install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
python3 generate_drive_token.py

Using Service Accounts for uploading to avoid user rate limit

For Service Account to work, you must set USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS = "True" in config file or environment variables. NOTE: Using Service Accounts is only recommended while uploading to a Team Drive.

1. Generate Service Accounts. What is Service Account?

Let us create only the Service Accounts that we need.

Warning: Abuse of this feature is not the aim of this project and we do NOT recommend that you make a lot of projects, just one project and 100 SAs allow you plenty of use, its also possible that over abuse might get your projects banned by Google.

NOTE: If you have created SAs in past from this script, you can also just re download the keys by running:

python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --download-keys $PROJECTID

NOTE: 1 Service Account can upload/copy around 750 GB a day, 1 project can make 100 Service Accounts so you can upload 75 TB a day or clone 2 TB from each file creator (uploader email).

Two methods to create service accounts

Choose one of these methods

1. Create Service Accounts in existed Project (Recommended Method)
  • List your projects ids
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --list-projects
  • Enable services automatically by this command
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --enable-services $PROJECTID
  • Create Sevice Accounts to current project
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --create-sas $PROJECTID
  • Download Sevice Accounts as accounts folder
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --download-keys $PROJECTID
2. Create Service Accounts in New Project
python3 gen_sa_accounts.py --quick-setup 1 --new-only

A folder named accounts will be created which will contain keys for the Service Accounts.

2. Add Service Accounts

Two methods to add service accounts

Choose one of these methods

1. Add Them To Google Group then to Team Drive (Recommended)
  • Mount accounts folder
cd accounts
  • Grab emails form all accounts to emails.txt file that would be created in accounts folder
  • For Windows using PowerShell
$emails = Get-ChildItem .\**.json |Get-Content -Raw |ConvertFrom-Json |Select -ExpandProperty client_email >>emails.txt
  • For Linux
grep -oPh '"client_email": "\K[^"]+' *.json > emails.txt
  • Unmount acounts folder
cd ..

Then add emails from emails.txt to Google Group, after that add this Google Group to your Shared Drive and promote it to manager and delete email.txt file from accounts folder

2. Add Them To Team Drive Directly
  • Run:
python add_to_team_drive.py -d SharedTeamDriveSrcID