
Plotting Assignment 1 for Exploratory Data Analysis

Primary LanguageR

Exploratory Data Analysis, Peer Assessment, Course Project 1

Please find instructions here.

Build instructions

Assuming you have GNU Make installed:


Otherwise download the dataset and unzip it in current directory (so that there is household_power_consumption.txt file in root directory of this repository). Next, run the following command:

for i in {1..4}; do Rscript plot$i.R; done

Code and plots

Plot 1

label <- "Global Active Power"
          main = label,
          xlab = paste(label, "(kilowatts)"),
          col = "red"))


### Plot 2

with(data, {
    plot(Global_active_power ~ Datetime,
         xlab = NA,
         ylab = "Global Active Power (kilowatts)",
         type = "l")


### Plot 3

with(data, {
    plot(Sub_metering_1 ~ Datetime,
         type = "l",
         col = "black",
         xlab = NA,
         ylab = "Energy sub metering")
    lines(Sub_metering_2 ~ Datetime,
          col = "red")
    lines(Sub_metering_3 ~ Datetime,
          col = "blue")
           c("Sub_metering_1", "Sub_metering_2", "Sub_metering_3"),
           col = c("black", "red", "blue"),


### Plot 4

with(data, {
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

    # 1st plot
    plot(Global_active_power ~ Datetime,
         xlab = NA,
         ylab = "Global Active Power",
         type = "l")

    # 2nd plot
    plot(Voltage ~ Datetime,
         xlab = "datetime",
         type = "l")

    # 3rd plot
    plot(Sub_metering_1 ~ Datetime,
         type = "l",
         col = "black",
         xlab = NA,
         ylab = "Energy sub metering")
    lines(Sub_metering_2 ~ Datetime,
          col = "red")
    lines(Sub_metering_3 ~ Datetime,
          col = "blue")
           c("Sub_metering_1", "Sub_metering_2", "Sub_metering_3"),
           bty = "n",
           col = c("black", "red", "blue"),

    # 4th plot
    plot(Global_reactive_power ~ Datetime,
         xlab = "datetime",
         type = "l")
