
Elasticsearch TMDB examples

Primary LanguagePython

Elasticsearch Index for the The Movie Database.

Install Elasticsearch w/ Dependencies

Using Docker

Build containers

With Docker installed, build the containers as below. You only need to do this once.

cd es-docker
docker build --tag=elasticsearch-tlre .
cd ../kb-docker
docker build --tag=kibana-tlre .

Run containers

docker-compose up

Browse to http://localhost:9200 and http://localhost:5601 to confirm ES / Kibana running

Install Manually


  1. Download Elasticsearch 6.4.1
  2. Unzip to where you'd like to run Elasticsearch
  3. Add the following to config/elasticsearch.yml
http.cors.allow-origin: "/https?:\\/\\/(.*?\\.)?(quepid\\.com|splainer\\.io)/"
http.cors.enabled: true
indices.query.bool.max_clause_count: 10240
  1. Install the Elasticsearch LTR plugin for 6.4.1:
./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install -b http://es-learn-to-rank.labs.o19s.com/ltr-1.1.0-es6.4.1.zip
  1. Run Elasticsearch
  1. In your browser, navigate to "http://localhost:9200" to confirm Elasticsearch is running


  1. Download Kibana 6.4.1

  2. Unzip to where you'd like to run Kibana

  3. Install the Kibana Analyze Plugin

./bin/kibana-plugin install https://github.com/johtani/analyze-api-ui-plugin/releases/download/6.4.1/analyze-api-ui-plugin-6.4.1.zip 
  1. Run Kibana
  1. In your browser, navigate to "http://localhost:5601" to confirm Kibana is running with the Analyze plugin included

Index TMDB movies

Once installed, grab TMDB data and index into Elasticsearch

  1. Download tmdb.json
  2. Install Python 3.6 and the Python elasticsearch Python libraries library
  3. Run python indexTmdb.py to index movies

Confirm Elasticsearch has TMDB movies

Navigate here and confirm you get results.