
Modified version of aidengilmartin's script. Gets called by cron instead of running the whole time.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Speedtest to InfluxDB

This is a modified version of aidengilmartin's script. This version of the Python script that will run the Speedtest CLI application by Ookla when called by a cronjob, reformat the data output and forward it on to an InfluxDB database. You may want to do this so that you can track your internet connections consistency over time. Using Grafana you can view and explore this data easily.

Using the script

Adjust the InfluxDB connection settings at the top of speedtest.py file to fit your setup and then run with one of the options listed below. Be aware that this script will automatically accept the license and GDPR statement so that it can run non-interactively. Make sure you agree with them before running.

Run using crontab

  1. Install the Speedtest CLI application by Ookla.

    NOTE: The speedtest-cli package in distro repositories is an unofficial client. It will need to be uninstalled before installing the Ookla Speedtest CLI application with the directions on their website.

  2. Install the InfluxDB client for library from Python.

    pip3 install influxdb

  3. Run the script.

    python3 ./speedtest.py

  4. Modify crontab to run the script every hour

    Edit crontab using your favorite editor with crontab -e and add the following line: 0 */1 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/script/speedtest.py, this way the cronjob runs every hour.

Grafana dashboard

Included in the repository, is JSON formatted code for a Grafana dashboard. Includes measurements from the last speedtest, data over the last 6 hours, recent locations and an image of the last speedtest that ran. This dashboard requires the dalvany-image-panel plugin, this can be installed when running: grafana-cli plugins install dalvany-image-panel && systemctl restart grafana-server.

Grafana dashboard