
:gear: A GitHub Action for running Ansible playbooks

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Run Ansible playbook GitHub Action

An Action that executes given Ansible playbook on selected hosts.

Should work on any OS, if ansible-playbook command is available in PATH.


- name: Run playbook
  uses: dawidd6/action-ansible-playbook@v2
    # Required, playbook filepath
    playbook: deploy.yml
    # Optional, directory where playbooks live
    directory: ./
    # Optional, SSH private key
    key: ${{secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}}
    # Optional, literal inventory file contents
    inventory: |

    # Optional, SSH known hosts file content
    known_hosts: |
      example.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOMqqnkVzrm0SdG6UOoqKLsabgH5C9okWi0dh2l9GKJl
    # Optional, encrypted vault password
    vault_password: ${{secrets.VAULT_PASSWORD}}
    # Optional, galaxy requirements filepath
    requirements: galaxy-requirements.yml
    # Optional, additional flags to pass to ansible-playbook
    options: |
      --inventory .hosts
      --limit group1
      --extra-vars hello=there