Discorded is a simple Node.js that allows you to easily interact with the Discord API.
Advantages of Discorded:
- Built in command handler
- Planned to use less ram than other libs
- Easy to use
Discorded is still in alpha and a very early stage. Due to this, docs are still to be made.
Raw Usage
const Discorded = require('discorded');
const client = new Discorded.Client('token');
client.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(`Bot started as ${client.user.tag}`);
client.on('message', async message => {
if (message.content === 'ping') {
Using with the built in command handler
const Discorded = require('discorded');
// This function returns the prefix for the context.
function getPrefix(client, message) {
// Here you can have custom prefixes or whatever you want.
// The prefix can be a string.
return 'dc ';
// Or a list of strings
return ['dc ', 'dc.'];
const client = new Discorded.Client(
getPrefix // Here is where we pass the getPrefix function to activate the command handler.
// This one is just simple ping command that sends pong to the channel.
const ping = new Discorded.Command('ping', (client, ctx) => {
// This line loads the command to the command handler.
const eval = new Discorded.Command(
(client, ctx) => {
ownerOnly: true // This is where we pass checks, and other options like ownerOnly and nsfw
// Here we load the command again.
//This time let's make an array of commands.
const commands = [
new Discorded.Command(
(client, ctx) => {
ctx.send('You are in the discorded guild.');
checks: [ctx => ctx.guild.id === '513688996816224257'] // The checks must be a list even if it has only one check.
// If the check fails this sends `checkError` event with ctx as the only argument.
new Discorded.Command(
(client, ctx) => {
// This is how you make embeds.
let embed = new Discorded.Embed()
.title('Here is a dog for you.', 'optional url') // Here you can set the title.
.description('description') // The description
.color('hex or discorded.Color') // Sets the color of the embed.
.timestamp() // Timestamp this takes a date item in it, the default is new Date()
.field('name', 'value', true | false) // adds a field to the embed. The last argument is inline and it is optional defaults to false
.author('name', 'optional icon') // The author of the embed
.footer('text') // Sets the footer
.image('dog image url') // Image
.thumbnail('thumbnail url'); // Thumbnail
ctx.send(embed); // To send the embed you just pass it to the send method.
nsfw: true // If we want to make this command to only respond in nsfw channel we set this. If the command is invoked in non nsfw channel this sends `notNSFW` event with the context argument.
// Then we can load a list of commands with
// Example handling for nsfw error
// This fires when nsfw check fails.
client.on('notNSFW', ctx => {
`The command ${ctx.command.name} is only allowed in nsfw channels.`
// Example handling for checkerror
// This fires when a check fails.
client.on('checkError', ctx => {
`You do not have permissions to use the ${ctx.command.name} command.`
// Example handling for notOwner error
// This fires when the ownerOnly check fails
client.on('notOwner', ctx => {
`The command ${
} can only be used by the owner of the bot.`
// Even tho you are using the built in command handler it is not restricting you from using
// The context or message event
client.on('message', message => {
// OR you can get the context with
let ctx = client.getContext(message);
// This fires when the bot is ready.
client.on('ready', () => {
The absolute base for this library is forked from nodecord.