
C Crypsi (https://github.com/telkomdev/c-crypsi) for MySQL and MariaDB UDF (User Defined Function)

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


C Crypsi (https://github.com/telkomdev/c-crypsi) MySQL UDF (User Defined Function)

crypsi-mysql-udf CI

Motivation/ Why ?

Why not standard mysql crypto function https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/encryption-functions.html ?. At the time this plugin was created, standard mysql crypto function did not support AES GCM and HMAC (hash-based message authentication code) yet. So this plugin is made to fulfill AES GCM and HMAC (hash-based message authentication code) needs.


crypsi-mysql-udf is compatible with each other with the following libraries.

Compatible which means you can directly use existing functions to encrypt and decrypt data. For example, the functions in the Crypsi package for NodeJs below are compatible with the functions in crypsi-mysql-udf


mysql> select mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_encrypt('abc$#128djdyAgbj', 'this is dark') as res;
| res                                                                              |
| c5cbfb20cbd635fed539adedb588d64b05458aef3898e1be5225dab28ca96607f721601641cd996d |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Decrypt the above encrypted data with the crypsi package for Nodejs

const { aesEncryption } = require('crypsi');

const decryptedData = aesEncryption.decryptWithAes128Gcm('abc$#128djdyAgbj', 'c5cbfb20cbd635fed539adedb588d64b05458aef3898e1be5225dab28ca96607f721601641cd996d');
console.log(decryptedData.toString('utf-8')); // result: this is dark

Getting started



$ git clone https://github.com/telkomdev/crypsi-mysql-udf.git

Install MySQL Development client

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

Compile extensions, Create and Copy SHARED Library to /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/

$ cc -fPIC -c crypsi_mysqludf.c -I /usr/include/mysql
$ cc -shared -o crypsi_mysqludf.so crypsi_mysqludf.o
$ sudo cp crypsi_mysqludf.so  /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/


To find out what plugin_dir is referring to, run the following command:

mysql> show variables like 'plugin_dir';
| Variable_name | Value                  |
| plugin_dir    | /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Error: Error Code: 1127. Can't find symbol 'xxxx' in library

try to restart MySQL Server

$ sudo systemctl restart mysql

Install to Database

Login as superuser

$ sudo mysql

Show installed functions

$ select * from mysql.func;

Drop the functions if exists

DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_encrypt;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_192_gcm_encrypt;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_256_gcm_encrypt;

DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_decrypt;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_192_gcm_decrypt;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_256_gcm_decrypt;

DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_md5;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha1;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha256;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha384;
DROP FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha512;

Create functions

CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_encrypt RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_192_gcm_encrypt RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_256_gcm_encrypt RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';

CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_decrypt RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_192_gcm_decrypt RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_aes_256_gcm_decrypt RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';

CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_md5 RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha1 RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha256 RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha384 RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';
CREATE FUNCTION mcrypsi_hmac_sha512 RETURNS STRING SONAME 'crypsi_mysqludf.so';

AES GCM encrypt function

  • mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_encrypt (AES 128 bit encryption function)
  • mcrypsi_aes_192_gcm_encrypt (AES 192 bit encryption function)
  • mcrypsi_aes_256_gcm_encrypt (AES 256 bit encryption function)

AES GCM decrypt function

  • mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_decrypt (AES 128 bit decryption function)
  • mcrypsi_aes_192_gcm_decrypt (AES 192 bit decryption function)
  • mcrypsi_aes_256_gcm_decrypt (AES 256 bit decryption function)

Expected key length

  • AES 128: key length should be 16 bytes/char
  • AES 192: key length should be 24 bytes/char
  • AES 256: key length should be 32 bytes/char

HMAC (hash-based message authentication code)

The length of the HMAC key must be at least 32 characters

  • mcrypsi_hmac_md5
  • mcrypsi_hmac_sha1
  • mcrypsi_hmac_sha256
  • mcrypsi_hmac_sha384
  • mcrypsi_hmac_sha512

Run test

$ sudo mysql
mysql> source /home/vagrant/crypsi-mysql-udf/test.sql

Test the extensions


mysql> select mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_encrypt('abc$#128djdyAgbj', 'this is dark') as res;
| res                                                                              |
| 2d66dcffd5056b67b1cbf276359bd33a3e982047ace8a6c7f6fa1deccee26f1cfd4cc1c8c6d7b15b |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


mysql> select mcrypsi_aes_128_gcm_decrypt('abc$#128djdyAgbj', '2d66dcffd5056b67b1cbf276359bd33a3e982047ace8a6c7f6fa1deccee26f1cfd4cc1c8c6d7b15b') as res;
| res          |
| this is dark |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

HMAC (hash-based message authentication code)

mysql> select mcrypsi_hmac_sha512('abc$#128djdyAgbjau&YAnmcbagryt5x', 'hello world') as res;
| res                                                                                                                              |
| 825b6b87adf4ab749b769425d583dc42cbae2f44381fbf0182b46cab6c6ddf157ea98f58bc735e532d0591e2a99d903811f94ade78159ec678efebc473d088a8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)