Teller Widget

Welcome to the Teller Widget! This widget allows any dapp to integrate Teller's front end into their app and allow users to do cash advances with either the tokens in their wallets or a specified token list.


Required packaages



Install the widget (and required packages) by using npm or yarn

yarn add @teller-protocol/teller-widget @tanstack/react-query alchemy-sdk graphql graphql-request react react-dom @teller-protocol/v2-contracts
npm i --save @teller-protocol/teller-widget @tanstack/react-query alchemy-sdk graphql graphql-request react react-dom @teller-protocol/v2-contracts


To use the widget, import the TellerWidget component. None of the props are required.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget />;


The widget works out of the box with no configuration. However, you can pass in the following props to customize the widget.


A string to replace the default Cash Advance button label.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget buttonLabel="Get a loan now!" />;


An object grouped by chainId, made up of a list of token addresses. By default these tokens show on additionally to the ones in the user's wallet.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const whiteListedTokens = {
  [137]: [
  [1]: ["0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"],

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget whiteListedTokens={whiteListedTokens} />;


A boolen to only show the tokens defined in the whitelistedTokens prop. Must be used together with the whitelistedTokens prop.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const whiteListedTokens = {
  [137]: [
  [1]: ["0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"],

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget whiteListedTokens={whiteListedTokens} showOnlyWhitelistedTokens />;


A string to change the background color for the primary button. Must be in hex format, including the #, ie #ffffff

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget buttonColorPrimary="#000000" />;


A string to change the text color for the primary button. Must be in hex format, including the #, ie #ffffff

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget buttonTextColorPrimary="#ffffff" />;


A string to be passed to the main button for adding a css class. Use this for customizing the button to match your app's design.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget buttonClassName="button-v2" />;


A boolean for additional styling control. This resets the buttons's style to the browser's default.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget buttonClassName="button-v2" isButtonBare />;


An optional array to show desired chains. By default, the widget shows all chains. Available chains:

  • 1 (Ethereum),
  • 137 (Polygon)
  • 42161 (Arbitrum)
  • 8453 (Base)
import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget whitelistedChains={[1,137]} />;


A number to set the referral fee %, passed in basis points. For example, 100 = 1%, max 500 = 5%. Note, referral fee on rollover loans is capped at 5% of the original loan repayment.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget referralFee={100} />;


A string to set the widget host wallet address, which receives the referral fee.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget referralAddress={"0x..."} />;


A string, of an image URL, to set as the widget host logo on the widget welcome screen. This is displayed on the widget's welcome screen. Must include the "https://" and image file ending. Image types include .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .svg.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget welcomeScreenLogo={"https://img-url.png"} />;


A string which sets the bold, header text on the widget's welcome screen.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget welcomeScreenTitle={"DeFi's cash advance"} />;


A string which sets the body, paragraph text on the widget's welcome screen.

import { Widget as TellerWidget } from "@teller-protocol/teller-widget";

const App = () => {
  return <TellerWidget welcomeScreenParagraph={"Time-based loans, up to thirty days, with no margin-call liquidations."} />;



Run storybook by doing

yarn storybook