- 0
Add getDisputeIdByDisputeHash to governance contract
#132 opened by tkernell - 2
Separate the logic for disputes and votes
#125 opened by krasi-georgiev - 2
- 0
Ubuntu terminal - Fail with error 'nonce must match timestamp index'
#134 opened by LP-Crypto-Scholar - 2
- 2
- 1
- 4
add events for the contract update functions
#123 opened by krasi-georgiev - 0
add `_disputeId` to the `NewVote` event
#126 opened by krasi-georgiev - 2
- 2
Add reporter address to the NewReport event
#114 opened by krasi-georgiev - 1
- 2
add minting to controller init
#103 opened by tkernell - 6
- 2
Add full deployment script to hardhat
#78 opened by krasi-georgiev - 0
Remove delegateVotingPower from treasury?
#106 opened by tkernell - 0
add a getter for reporterLastTimestamp
#100 opened by krasi-georgiev - 0
Test payTreasury before init()
#105 opened by tkernell - 0
- 1
add a migrateFor func
#101 opened by themandalore - 1
add minting to controller constructor
#102 opened by tkernell - 0
changeGetters to use new terminology
#90 opened by themandalore - 1
Right Before Deployment: Add Contract Addresses to Transition init and remove 'require owner...'
#71 opened by tkernell - 1
Naming consistency (TellorX <> PyTelliot)
#70 opened by tallywiesenberg - 1
Fix compiler warnings
#82 opened by themandalore - 1
Add _data field to submitValue
#81 opened by tkernell - 2
Further upgrade additons
#53 opened by themandalore - 0
Add current nonce to the NewReport event
#77 opened by krasi-georgiev - 1
Add in dispute FIX
#34 opened by themandalore - 0
Audit Fix 4.7
#57 opened by themandalore - 1
MiningLock, TBR == 0... Any issues?
#68 opened by tkernell - 1
Audit Fix - p 26.
#61 opened by themandalore - 1
Audit Fix - p30,
#63 opened by themandalore - 1
put the submit nonce checks at the beginning so that failing TX cost less
#74 opened by krasi-georgiev - 1
Audit Correct Comments
#59 opened by themandalore - 1
Add delegate event
#60 opened by themandalore - 1
Audit Fix - p29
#62 opened by themandalore - 1
Audit Improve code clarity
#58 opened by themandalore - 0
- 0
Audit Fix p31
#64 opened by themandalore - 0
- 0
Audit Fix 4.5
#56 opened by themandalore - 1
Audit Fix 4.4
#55 opened by themandalore - 1
Audit Fix - 5.2 Code Clarity
#67 opened by tkernell - 3
- 3
Reduce _STAKE_COUNT when slashing reporter
#44 opened by tkernell - 1
Test Issue for discord...
#47 opened by themandalore - 1
Steffengy Audit Finds
#48 opened by themandalore - 6
Audit Finding (Treasury)
#42 opened by themandalore - 1
Add nonce argument to submitValue() function
#36 opened by tkernell