Using nightmareJS or selenium driver to crawl data from websites.
使用 nightmareJS or selenium web driver 來爬取網站資料。
This repository is to teach students who register my information classes on how to crawl and retrieve text/hyperlink/binary data from websites. In our cases, they can help us to crawl some websites such as 104 Human Resource bank, Instagram, LINE stickers, Wikipedia page of roles list for Romance of Three Kingdoms, WineSearcher and YouTube, etc.
此專案用於指導報名資訊課程的學生如何爬取網站資料。在我們的案例中,它們能協助我們爬下一些網站,例如 104 人力銀行、Instagram、LINE 貼圖、維基百科「三國演義人物列表」、WineSearcher 酒類詢價網站和 YouTube 等。
You need to have some practical experiences as follows:
- Javascript: Node.js programming language
- jQuery: manipulate html elements
- npm: nodejs package management
- HTML 4/5 and relevant knowledge
- CSS selector (important!)
- Optional:
- nvm: nodejs version management
- MySql and SQL syntax
安裝 Node.js 套件 (與 package.json 檔案有關)
Install node.js packages (It's related to package.json)
$ npm i --save
下載 ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome
備註: 請比對自己電腦中所使用的 Chrome 版本
- Wikipedia page of roles list for Romance of Three Kingdoms (維基百科「三國人物演義列表」)
- WineSearch (WineSearcher酒類詢價網站)
- LINE stickers (LINE官方貼圖)
- 104 Human Resource bank (104人力銀行)
- YouTube
- ebooks
You can add a new file of database configuration in sql folder as the following setting:
你能新增資料庫設定檔案在 sql 資料夾,如同下列設定:
const mysql = require('mysql');
const pool = mysql.createPool({
connectionLimit : 10,
host : 'localhost',
user : '<Your-User-Name-Or-Account>',
password : '<Your-Password>',
database : '<Your-Database>',
supportBigNumbers: true,
charset: 'UTF8_GENERAL_CI'
module.exports = pool;
Note: In default: username test and password T1st@localhost
There are some relative path we use in our cases, you might as well type commands as follows:
# Ready to launch WineSearch price-history crawling
$ ~/Nodejs-Html-Parser/node examples/Wine/wine-searcher.js
Afterward, logger messages will appear in the terminal as shown below:
酒的名稱: 1992 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley, USA
年月日: 2017-08-01
價格(美金): 12376 元, 換算新台幣約為: 383656 元
年月日: 2017-09-01
價格(美金): 11183 元, 換算新台幣約為: 346673 元
年月日: 2018-07-01
價格(美金): 16047 元, 換算新台幣約為: 497457 元
年月日: 2018-08-01
價格(美金): 19880 元, 換算新台幣約為: 616280 元
年月日: 2019-06-01
價格(美金): 19333 元, 換算新台幣約為: 599323 元
年月日: 2019-07-01
價格(美金): 19279 元, 換算新台幣約為: 597649 元
酒的名稱: 2006 Chateau Latour, Pauillac, France
年月日: 2017-08-01
價格(美金): 638 元, 換算新台幣約為: 19778 元
年月日: 2017-09-01
價格(美金): 655 元, 換算新台幣約為: 20305 元
年月日: 2017-10-01
價格(美金): 634 元, 換算新台幣約為: 19654 元
年月日: 2019-05-01
價格(美金): 683 元, 換算新台幣約為: 21173 元
年月日: 2019-06-01
價格(美金): 681 元, 換算新台幣約為: 21111 元
年月日: 2019-07-01
價格(美金): 696 元, 換算新台幣約為: 21576 元
Note: In some cases, I will make folder and put some json file into that, it would be useful to review data you crawled.
在一些案例裡,我會新增資料夾,以及放入 json 檔,它對你檢視先前爬取的資料,可能有用。
LINE stickers
You need to import all files from sql folder to your databases so that you can run our code smoothly, otherwise, you will get some error messages.
你需要從 sql 資料夾中,匯入所有的 sql 檔案到你的資料庫,方便你順利地執行程式碼,否則,你將會得到一些錯誤訊息。
You can review the crawling results of 104 Human Resource bank via myweb folder from _common. First of all, you have to copy or move myweb folder out of this repository. Secondly, you have to change the folder from this repository to myweb, then install all of the packages by typing npm commands. Finally, you have to launch express web server, it will run with 3000 port number.
$ npm i -g express express-generator nodemon # install global command
$ cd /{path}/myweb # change folder
$ npm i --save # install packages
$ npm start # test your code
$ node bin/www