CockroachDB Terraform Provider


This is a Terraform Provider for CockroachDb. It allows you to configure various resources including databases, user, roles, and permissions.


To install this provider, use the following snippet in your Terraform configuration:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    cockroachdb = {
      source  = "telusag/cockroachdb"
      version = ">= 0.0.1"

provider "cockroachdb" {
  host     = "host"
  port     = 26257
  username = "username"
  password = "password"
  database = "database"


For documentation on the available resources and their properties, see docs


To enable provider development, check out the provider and install the binary into your local ~/go/bin path:

$ go install

In order for Terraform to use the provider installed locally, rather than downloading a fresh copy from the registry, enable a development override in your ~/terraformrc:

provider_installation {

  dev_overrides {
      "telusag/cockroachdb" = "your ~/go/bin path"

  direct {}


To start a local cockroach db and mount certs so you can connect to it, run (from root of project) make start-crdb To connect as root using psql run: psql "postgres://root@localhost:26257/defaultb?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=./certs/ca.crt&sslcert=./certs/client.root.crt&sslkey=./certs/client.root.key" To connect via another user, create the user in crdb (CREATE USER [username]) or using TF and then run the following commands (need cockroach installed):

  • cockroach cert create-client [username] --certs-dir=certs --ca-key=my-safe-directory/ca.key

Always run gofmt -w -s . before committing to make sure the diffs don't contain minor formatting differences.


To generate or update documentation, run make generate-docs.


In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, first run make start-test-crdb (in a different terminal) and wait for the DB to become available. Next run make testacc to run the acc tests against the db.


  1. Create and upload a GPG key to Terraform Cloud.
  2. Set the GPG secret key as an action secret on the repository called GPG_SECRET_KEY, the passphrase should be set as an action secret called PASSPHRASE.
  3. Create a tag on the repository called vx.y.z (v1.0.0) and push the tag to Github.
  4. Github Actions will build and publish the new release