
A terraform module for managing RDS instances

  • Assumes you're making your instances in a VPC

Module Input Variables


  • engine - The type of RDS isntance you want to use. Defaults to mysql
  • engine_version - The RDS version you want to use. Defaults to 5.7.17
  • instance_class - The RDS instance class. Defaults to db.m4.large
  • multi_az - Specifies if the RDS instance is multi-AZ. Defaults to true
  • port - RDS port. Defaults to 3306
  • vpc_security_group_ids - VPC security group ID for cluster.
  • db_subnet_group_name - Subnet group name for cluster. Defaults to rds-main
  • parameter_group_name - Parameter group name for cluster. Defaults to default.mysql5.7
  • allocated_storage - The amount of storage for the RDS instance. Defaults to 10
  • storage_type - The storage type for the RDS instance. Defaults to gp2
  • backup_window - The backup window for the instance. Defaults to 09:46-10:16
  • backup_retention_period - The retention period for backups. Defaults to 7
  • storage_encrypted - Ensure your database data is encrypted at rest. Default to true
  • delete_automated_backups - Remove your database snapshots automatically when the RDS instance is deleted. Defaults to false
  • deletion_protection - Set deletion protection on the instance. Defaults to true
  • monitoring_interval - The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance. Defaults to 30
  • performance_insights_enabled - Specifies whether Performance Insights are enabled. Defaults to false.
  • performance_insights_retention_period - The amount of time in days to retain Performance Insights data. Defaults to 7. Alternative of 2 years (731 days)


  • name - Name of the RDS instance
  • username - Username for the RDS instance, max 16 characters
  • password - Password for the RDS instance

Module Outputs

  • name - Name of the instance


You can use this in your terraform template with the following steps.

  1. Adding a module resource to your template, e.g. main.tf
module "instance" {
  source = "git::ssh://git@github.com/telus/terraform-aws_rds_cluster"

  name = "my-rds-instance"
  username = "my-username"
  password = "my-password"
  instance_class = "db.m4.large"


Created and maintained by Alex Podobnik (alexandar.podobnik@telus.com)