
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Assignment 8

PARTNERS: Tim McLaughlin, Jo Booth

AUTHORS              geometry.cpp         ppm.o
Fieldstone.ppm       geometry.h           quat.h
FieldstoneNormal.ppm geometry.o           renderstates.cpp
LICENSE              geometrymaker.h      renderstates.h
Makefile             glsupport.cpp        renderstates.o
README               glsupport.h          rigtform.h
animation.txt        glsupport.o          scenegraph.cpp
arcball.h            material.cpp         scenegraph.h
asst8                material.h           scenegraph.o
asst8-snippets.cpp   material.o           sgfiller.h
asst8.cpp            matrix4.h            sgutils.h
asst8.o              mesh.h               shaders
asst8.pdf            mesh.interface       shell.ppm
asstcommon.h         picker.cpp           texture.cpp
bunny.mesh           picker.h             texture.h
cube.mesh            picker.o             texture.o
cvec.h               ppm.cpp              uniforms.h

  Ubuntu and OS X

  make OPT=1

  We met all of the problem set requirements!

Code Design:
  We just followed the design on the spec.

Running program:
  ./asst8, use same keybindings and file format as solution binary.

Extra stuff: