Assignment 8 PARTNERS: Tim McLaughlin, Jo Booth Submitting: AUTHORS geometry.cpp ppm.o Fieldstone.ppm geometry.h quat.h FieldstoneNormal.ppm geometry.o renderstates.cpp LICENSE geometrymaker.h renderstates.h Makefile glsupport.cpp renderstates.o README glsupport.h rigtform.h animation.txt glsupport.o scenegraph.cpp arcball.h material.cpp scenegraph.h asst8 material.h scenegraph.o asst8-snippets.cpp material.o sgfiller.h asst8.cpp matrix4.h sgutils.h asst8.o mesh.h shaders asst8.pdf mesh.interface shell.ppm asstcommon.h picker.cpp texture.cpp bunny.mesh picker.h texture.h cube.mesh picker.o texture.o cvec.h ppm.cpp uniforms.h Platforms: Ubuntu and OS X Compilation: make OPT=1 Requirements: We met all of the problem set requirements! Code Design: We just followed the design on the spec. Running program: ./asst8, use same keybindings and file format as solution binary. Extra stuff: None.