3D Boids


FILES: total 1140 boids.js ColladaLoader.js css FirstPersonControls.js flying_boid.dae glBoids.html images index.html kdTree-min.js low-poly-plane.dae main.js README.md skybox2 skybox2.dae three.js

PLATFORMS: modern web browsers

REQUIREMENTS: we met our project goals

CODE DESIGN: we used a kd-tree to make fast 3d boids. for more details, see index.html inside the tarball.

RUNNING PROGRAM: This CANNOT work if the website is merely placed in a local folder and run directly in browser, as our texture loader depends on Ajax calls. If you wish to run the program locally, simply call python -m SimpleHTTPServer in the root directory of the project, and then point your browser at localhost:8000. Any other hosting scheme will also work fine.

Once here, index.html has our writeup, and our program is at GLBoids.html.

You can parametrize the program by providing a custom url.

Custom urls are of the form: boids.com/GLBoids.html?<Boid_Type>_<Num_Boids> And you can supply either 'planes' or 'birds' for <Boid_Type> (no quotes) and any positive integer for <Num_Boids>.

Our project can also be seen at 3dboids.com

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Baseline code for the GL world adapted from http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/wa-webgl3/

Textures from: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=200a58ab65bbdb396c1cd53dbc9f7b8e https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=a5e7ad2251a97fd284c514843bb76d54 https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=1782aa27691e90da234c264b700ce120