
T3000 Building Automation System - for Linux-Win-Android deployment

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

T3000_CrossPlatform Language


master (stable)

Travic CI(Mono) AppVeyor
Build Status Build status


  • msvc14+/mono4.5+/.NET Framework 4.5


T3000 Building Automation System - for Linux-Win deployment


Preinstall: Download Visual Studio Community 2017 .NET and C++ applications development should be selected during installation.

To clone the project:

File -> Open -> Open from source control

File>Open>Open from source

Then on the right bar Local Git Repository click on Clone, and fill the field Enter the URL of a Git repo to clone with project URL https://github.com/temcocontrols/T3000_CrossPlatform and into Enter a path for the cloned Git repo insert your project directory (i.e. My Documents\Source\T3000_CrossPlatform). Then click Clone.

Clone Repository

Wait for clone completion, then open 'T3000_CrossPlatform.sln'. When the project is opened the first time there will be a warning in the Nuget Package Manager Console about missing packages - click 'Restore'.

Restore Nuget Packages

Then select Build > Clean, and then Build > Batch Build, select all, and click 'Build'.

Executable can be found in the T3000_CrossPlatform\ReleaseFiles\LastCompilation\T3000.exe directory.


Preinstall: Import Mono repository following official distro instructions from Mono-Project website. Then install the mono-complete, git and curl packages using the following command

sudo apt install mono-complete git curl

Install nuget

sudo apt install nuget

Check nuget

sudo nuget update -self

To install the MonoDevelop IDE

sudo apt install monodevelop

Execute the following commands to clone the repo

rm -r -f T3000_CrossPlatform
git clone https://github.com/temcocontrols/T3000_CrossPlatform
nuget restore T3000_CrossPlatform/T3000_CrossPlatform.sln

And to build from command line

msbuild T3000_CrossPlatform/T3000_CrossPlatform.sln /p:Configuration=Release
chmod +x T3000_CrossPlatform/T3000/bin/Release/T3000.exe

Run the application

mono ./T3000_CrossPlatform/T3000/bin/Release/T3000.exe


  1. Clean directory T3000_CrossPlatform(if exists). It's need for exclude some bugs with reinstall
  2. Clone the remote repository to the T3000_CrossPlatform directory
  3. Download all require libraries for the solution from Nuget
  4. Build project with Configuration=Release
  5. Run the obtained exe file
  6. This Software only demonstrat the reading and writing of program file of T3000 on other operating systems like linux . Sample Program File can be load from the Path T3000_CrossPlatform\Documentation\ExampleProgFiles
  7. Device Discovery or Connection is not currenlty available in this version
  8. The turminal you are using in case on linux it should support X server. otherwise on running the EXE it will give error. At the moment editing programs with Linux version return an error.


  1. Support of the program code