
This is a combination of projects that display my exploration into node js and understanding how to build node applications, culminating in a theoretical application for managing tourism and tourist attractions. Fully featured to include:

  • Authentication via Json webtokens stored in sessions
  • Database integration using MongoDB
  • Payment integration using paystack for booking tours
  • Frontend powered by pug templates

Features in the "4-natours" Subfolder

The "4-natours" subfolder contains a Node.js application designed for managing tours and tourist activities. Here are some of the key features implemented in this subfolder:

  • Tour Management: Allows users to create, update, and delete tours. Each tour includes details such as tour description, duration, max group size, and pricing.
  • User Authentication and Authorization: Secure user authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This includes signup, login, and roles-based access control functionalities to differentiate between regular users and administrators.
  • Booking System: Integration with Paystack for processing payments, enabling users to book tours directly through the application.
  • Review System: Users can post reviews for tours they have participated in, which helps other users make informed decisions.
  • Database Integration: Utilizes MongoDB for storing and managing data related to tours, bookings, users, and reviews.
  • API Features: Comprehensive RESTful API allowing for interaction with the tour data programmatically.
  • Frontend Implementation: Uses Pug templates to render dynamic content on the client side, providing a seamless user experience.

This subfolder represents a complete application scenario, demonstrating advanced features and integration of various technologies in a Node.js environment.