
ENTER & CHECK DEMO. It is messaging app built on aiohttp framework. It uses websockets and asyncio, aioredis, aiopg as its core libraries.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AsyncIO Message App



This is simple messaging app with common chatting groups.

It is based on aiohttp framework, which makes it easy to use asyncio within the app. Websockets were used for the purpose of exchanging multiple messages between client and server. Other core libraries are aioredis and aiopg.

Notice the following functionality in the demo GIF:

  • Messages and time are persistently stored thanks to PostgreSQL.
  • Messages are broadcasted to all users through Websockets.
  • Username "User736" is stored across all chat-groups and on page-refresh (Thanks to RedisStorage).
  • Minimalistic but functional UI (Bootstrap + jQuery).

If you want to try using it:

  • Clone the repository to your machine.
  • Follow instructions in Installation Instructions section.
  • Then, to run the app, follow instructions in App Using section.

Installation Instructions

Redis Setup (for MacOS)

  • You will need to have brew installed on your machine.
  • Run brew install redis to install Redis on your MacOS.
  • Run brew services start redis to start redis server.

Respective instructions for Windows can be found on the Internet.

  • Later on, if you want to shut the Redis server down, use redis-cli shutdown command.
  • In case you want to check whether the server is running, use "redis-cli ping" command and you will get "PONG" in response in case server is running.

PostgreSQL Setup

  • Install postgresql on your machine. If you want, you can do it using docker.
  • Run postgresql.
  • You will need to do CREATE TABLE group_general (messages json NOT NULL); and CREATE TABLE group_interns (messages json NOT NULL); for two of my hard-coded chat-groups. Sorry for not taking care of this within the code, since my main purpose was to learn asyncio and aiohttp.
  • You can change db_str variable in "chat/models.py" file's Message class to fit your postgresql instance's username, dbname, password, port, etc.

Package Installation

  • Firstly, create virtual environment inside the repository. One way of doing it is by using pyenv.
  • Then, install all the packages by running the command pip install -U -r requirements.txt.

App Using

Server Start

  • Run python ./app.py from the root folder. NOTE: it will occupy one of terminal windows.

Connection to the Server as a Client

  • Open your web-browser. NOTE: the app is mostly adapted for PC and not for mobile devices.
  • Go to "localhost:8080" and the chat will work in case everything is fine with the server. If the server is running on someone-else's machine, then go to "server_machine_ip_address:8080" to connect to the chat. NOTE: you have to be on the same Wi-Fi network.


  • Thanks to @achimnol for assigning doing this app during "Lablup Bootcamp" (Internship@Lablup Inc., Summer 2019).
  • Thanks to all @lablup members for supporting and helping me.
  • Thanks to all the tutorials and docs our there on the Internet. I got most of the ideas and used the following repo as my template: https://github.com/Crandel/aiohttp (@Crandel).