Inventory Tracker API

This is the back-end API for Inventory Tracker. It's purpose is to keep track of items in inventory and also monitor when those items are entered into inventory, when they have been shipped to the warehouse and when the items are no longer available.

The project was developed based on SOLID principles and Domain Driven Design to deliver a highly structured, modularized and easy to maintain code.

Tech Stack

Server: NodeJS, Express, Typescript, Typeorm, Postgres

The basic tech stack is NodeJS with Express using Typeorm on Postgres for database access.

A couple of other libraries are used, such as Node Mailer for sending e-mails, handlebars for e-mail templating, multer for file upload, helmet and rate-limiter-flexible for security purposes and celebrate for data validation.

Also, external services were integrated for e-mail sending (Sendgrid) and image file storage (Cloudinary).

Initial requirements

For successfully running the project, it's necessary that the items below are also installed:

Run Locally

In order to run the project locally, you will need to perform the following steps to get the api installed on your machine:

Clone the project

  git clone

Before starting the server configure environment variables and execute migrations.

Go to the project directory

  cd inventory-tracker-api

Build Image

  docker-compose build

Run Container

    docker-compose up

Stop Container

    docker-compose down

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will first need to add environment variables to your .env file (must be located in the project's root folder, you can copy/paste and then rename .env.example editing it's contents).


In order to create the database tables, run the command...

  make migration-generate

Apply the migrations with

  docker compose exec api npm run migration:up

Revert the migrations with...

  docker compose exec api npm run migration:down