JS implementation of Luscher psychological test.
npm install luscher-test
// or
yarn add luscher-test
Identificators of main test colors.
export enum MainColor {
BLUE = 1,
GREEN = 2,
RED = 3,
BROWN = 6,
BLACK = 7,
GRAY = 0,
HEX codes for test colors from the library.
export enum ColorHex {
BLUE = '#004983',
GREEN = '#1D9772',
RED = '#F12F23',
YELLOW = '#F2DD00',
PURPLE = '#D42481',
BROWN = '#C55223',
BLACK = '#231F20',
GRAY = '#98938D',
Luscher test have three variants: single stage test, two stage test ang full color test.
Сonsists of one sequential selection of colors and makes an interpretation on it.
import { SingleStageTest } from 'luscher-test'
// color codes in order of their selection
const selection = [3, 5, 6, 7, 1, 0, 2, 4];
const test = new SingleStageTest(selection);
// single stage test interpretation
const testInterpretation = test.interpret();
Consists of two sequential selections of colors between which it is recommended to wait a couple of minutes. The interpretation is based on both choices.
import { TwoStageTest } from 'luscher-test'
// color codes in order of their selection
const firstSelection = [2, 6, 3, 1, 0, 5, 7, 4];
const secondSelection = [5, 7, 3, 1, 0, 4, 2, 6];
const test = new TwoStageTest(firstSelection, secondSelection);
// two stage test interpretation
// getInterpretation() returns Promise with test interpretation
async function someAsyncFunction() {
const testInterpretation = await test.getInterpretation()
// ...
// Obtained color selections
const selections: [MainColor[], MainColor[]] = test.selections;
// Color pairs that occur in both selections
const pairs: [MainColor, MainColor][] = test.pairs;
// Luscher groups in each selection
const groups: [MainColor, MainColor?][][] = test.groups;
// State of disturbance and compensation by color for each selection
const emotionalStates: [ColorMap<EmotionalState>, ColorMap<EmotionalState>] = test.emotionalStates;
// State of anxiety level by color for each selection
const anxietyLevels: [ColorMap<1 | 2 | 3>, ColorMap<1 | 2 | 3>] = test.anxietyLevels;
// Total anxiety level for each selection
const totalAnxietyLevel: [number, number] = test.totalAnxietyLevel;
// Interpretation for total anxiety level of second selection
const anxietyLevelInterpretation: Translations<string> = test.anxietyLevelInterpretation;
// Signs for each color
const signs: [ColorMap<[Sign, Sign?]>, ColorMap<[Sign, Sign?]>] = test.signs;
// Colors for each sign
const signMaps: [SignMap<MainColor[]>, SignMap<MainColor[]>] = test.signMaps;
// Final color pairs used to get interpretation by sign for each selection
const interpretationPairs: [SignMap<FunctionKeys[]>, SignMap<FunctionKeys[]>] = test.interpretationPairs;
Will be implemented in upcoming releases.