This is my toy project to get familiar with STM32F0-Discovery board and wonderful world of ARM Cortex-M processors.
Based on template
I already learned that coding tick-by-tick style is very tedious, so some kind of task management is required. One way is to go with some existing embedded OS, like ChibiOS, FreeRTOS, RTX, ucLinux, etc. But first i'm going to try a simplest possible custom solution and see how far it can get. Fun!
build-helper.bash is a very imperative custom build system. Here's how to use it:
mkdir new-project cat >new-project/build.bash <<EOF #!/bin/bash set -e cd $(dirname $0) ; cd .. srcs=( main.c ) source build-helper.bash main $* EOF chmod +x new-project/build.bash new-project/build.bash clean build program
- Context switch code
- Critical section
- Create task, direct switch to it - cooperative
- Scheduler, lists of active/waiting tasks
- Call scheduler in timer - preemptive
- Sleep to unschedule current task - this should be enough
- Event - 1:1 synchronization primitive - advanced level
- Custom OS is too hard, let's take existing
- Add camera, servos with guns and blades
- ...
- Fully autonomous killer robot
- Another robot goes time travel to make me stop at the Sleep step.
Thanks to everything but his template did not work for me.
Thanks to Sherief Farouk for Shortcut:
curl -LO g++ -o b2c -Wall binary-to-c-array.cpp