
A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for Storj

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A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for the Storj platform.

Apps & Projects built using Storj

Tutorials & Examples



  • Storj Share GUI - Earn money by sharing your extra hard drive space on the Storj network.
  • Storj Share Daemon - 👿 Daemon + CLI for farming data on the storj network.
  • Payout Formula - Transparent formula that is used to calculate farmer payments.


Libraries & Important Repos

  • Storj on Github - All Storj repositories in one place.
  • SIPS - Storj Improvement Proposals.
  • KFS - Kademlia inspired local file store based on LevelDB.
  • Storj Core - Implementation of the Storj protocol for Node.
  • Storj Bridge - Access the Storj network via simple REST API.
  • Storj Complex - Manage many renter nodes with the same identity with remote control capabilities.
  • Storj Bridge GUI - Web application for managing your Storj Bridge account.
  • Storj.js - Browser library for interacting with Storj.


  • Community Chat - Open community chat. Our most active discussion area.
  • Community Page - Links to newsletter, chat, social media, and events.

Contribute to Storj

  • Give Feedback - Suggest new product ideas or upvoting existing ones.
  • Write Guides - Get paid to write guides and tutorials about our platform.
  • Submit Code - Submit pull requests on our public repository on GitHub.


  • Chat Support - Recommend using our community chat for realtime support in many languages.
  • Issue Support - If you any troubles or questions, please contact Storj support.