
personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

My opinionated dotfiles. Built off of the Shopify internal dotfiles template.

Uses oh-my-zsh with Antigen to manage dependencies and themes. Default theme is Staples.


  1. Clone the repo to ~/dotfiles:
git clone https://github.com/tempor1s/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
  1. Run install.sh. This will symlink configs and .zshrc, overwriting anything you already have.
  2. Open a new terminal, or exec zsh. Antigen bundles will be installed and you should be ready to go.

Available customizations

Files are listed in the order they are loaded. Conflicts between files, such as environment variable definitions, will be resolved by "last definition wins".

Load order can be seen in .zshrc.

  • environment.zsh: Define any environment variables you always want.
  • macos.zsh: Customizations that should only be run on MacOS.
  • antigen_bundles.zsh: Define additional zsh plugins to include. Your theme selection should be set here as well (default is Staples).
  • dircolors: Define a custom dircolors file. Optional, falls back to system default.
  • spin.zsh: Customizations that should only be applied to Spin environments.
  • custom.zsh: Customizations that should apply everywhere. This is the LAST file loaded, so any conflicting changes made here will override any previous files.

Custom install

personal/install.sh is a special case. It is run as part of the install.sh script, and should be where you put any customizations around initial setup and installation. For example, if you want to symlink a config from personal into your home directory, that's where you'd run that command.