
Atlassian Bitbucket WIP Merge check Plugin

Primary LanguageJava

WIP Merge check Plugin

The purpose of the plugin is to provide a merge check that prevents merging a pull request in case if pull request title contains 'WIP:' substring.

The Merge Check is implemented as a hook accessible under the Merge Checks section in the Project/Repo admin UI.

The Merge Check is configurable on both Project and Repository level, following the same structure as the Bitbucket native Merge checks.


In order to rebuild the plugin use the Atlassian SDK

Here are the SDK commands you’ll use immediately:

  • atlas-run – installs this plugin into the product and starts it on localhost
  • atlas-debug – same as atlas-run, but allows a debugger to attach at port 5005
  • atlas-cli – after atlas-run or atlas-debug, opens a Maven command line window: - ‘pi’ reinstalls the plugin into the running product instance
  • atlas-help – prints description for all commands in the SDK

Full documentation is always available at:
