
This is the Hello World project which has all the basic files explained in our Hello World Tutorial.


Ensure you have Go 1.16 or later installed locally, and that you have Docker installed to run the Temporal Cluster.

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/temporalio/hello-world-project-template-go

Install and run the Temporal Server using docker compose.

git clone https://github.com/temporalio/docker-compose.git
cd docker-compose
docker compose up

You can now view Temporal Web at http://localhost:8080.

Run the worker and starter included in the project.

go run worker/main.go
go run start/main.go

If you have nodemon installed, you can automatically reload when you change any files: nodemon --watch './**/*.go' --signal SIGTERM --exec 'go' run worker/main.go