
eddsa that wraps ed448

Primary LanguageGo


crypto/rsa and crypto/ecdsa provide PublicKey and PrivateKey structures which can be used to unambiguously represent RSA and ECDSA keys.

There is an implementation of Ed448 for Go, but it provides basic functions which take pointers to fixed-length arrays. It is undesirable for code which does type-switches on interface{} values to have to assume that a value of type *[56]byte is an Ed448 public key and a value of type *[56]byte is an Ed448 private key.

This package wraps otrv4/ed448 with a saner interface much more like crypto/rsa, crypto/ecdsa and crypto/elliptic, while still allowing you to get the public and private keys as pointers to fixed-length arrays if you need to.

It is designed to allow other curves to be implemented in future, such as Curve448. In this regard, the design of this package closely follows crypto/elliptic.


git clone https://github.com/core-coin/eddsa.git
go build eddsa.go ed448.go


© 2015 Hugo Landau <hlandau@devever.net>  MIT License