
Unity Procedural Animation solution based on Ubisoft IK Rig and David Rosen's Overgrowth

Primary LanguageC#

Procedural Animation System

This is a custom implementation of a unique approach to procedural animation, which combines the strengths of two different existing solutions - David Rosen's Overgrowth and Ubisofts IK Rig technology. This system uses Unity's Animation Rigging package.


The implementation is divided into two primary functional layers (due to the fact that Animation Rigging does not work correctly with Unity's physics engine) and a layer of abstraction, which joins them together (which requires specific implementation for you project and provides easy to understand interface for high-level logic). It is specifically designed to address the needs of indie game developers and small teams, as the curve-based approach to animation simplifies the process of creating animation sequences and cycles, the usage of IK allows for a lot of flexibility and behavioral complexity, and the FK active ragdoll provides physically accurate environment interaction.

How does it work?

The basic approach is to use IK Poses (defined by IK effector positions) and only use the necessary key-poses, interpolating between them using user-defined curves for any intermediate pose. The IK layer, informed by surrounding environment, will provide the basic motion, which is closely replicated by the active ragdoll, which provides physics-interaction. For each IK Pose it is possible to define the type of adjustment (or warping) that is applicable for it. For example, a Sticky pose is a pose that is meant to "stick" to a certain coordinate in world space. This is useful for eliminating foot-sliding and any interactions with the environment. Other adjustment types like Repel and Attract, are useful for stepping over small obstacles and reaching out to specific gameobjects respectively.

What about GUI and user-experience?

Currently the system does not have a custom GUI for the Editor. This will be fixed in future revisions. Please Note that this is not a plug-and-play solution for your projects (yet). This is a system implementation (plus a working usage example).

What classes should I care about for my project?

The main classes (adn their related interfaces), which you can use for procedural animation are IKPose, IKPoseAnaimtion, FKLimb and FKLayer. Example of a system which you can build using these classes can be found in PlayerAnimationAlternative, IKFootSolverAlternative - which show how this system can be used to create procedural leg animation.

Small demo:

Stair Demonstration for leg IK