
Web Vulnerability Assessment Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WVAT - Web Vulnerability Assessment Tool

WVAT is an open-source CLI tool to analyse a domain, its subdomains and respective pages, extracting the used technologies to find their vulnerabilities in order to cross-reference them with known exploits.

To contribute, please refer to Contributing.


$ npm install -g wvat
$ wvat COMMAND
running command...
$ wvat (-v|--version|version)
wvat/1.4.0 linux-x64 node-v10.16.3
$ wvat --help [COMMAND]
  $ wvat COMMAND


wvat about [COMMAND]

Describes WVAT and its functionalities

  $ wvat about [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  name of the command to obtain its description, args, flags and examples

  about whois

See code: src/commands/about.js

wvat analyse DOMAIN

Generate full domain report

  $ wvat analyse DOMAIN

  DOMAIN  domain to search subdomains

  -c, --config=config
      Wvat config json file path
      Imports a json file with the following fields:
           "allow_data_reporting"[default: false] - Allows us to collect information on error
           "webtech_command"[default: null] - How to call webtech
           "amass_path"[default: "bin/amass"] - path to amass executable

  -d, --depth=depth
      [default: 2] Maximum page crawling depth

  -g, --graph
      Generate a graph of subdomains

  -j, --noCveCache
      Search without using local CVE cache

  -k, --crawlingTimeout=crawlingTimeout
      Subdomains crawling timeout

  -n, --noCrawlingCache
      Perform page crawling without using cache

  -t, --timeout=timeout
      Maximum application execution time (in seconds)

  -u, --updateCveCache
      Force update the local CVE cache

  -v, --verbose
      Verbose Mode (outputs all messages to screen)

  -w, --whitelist=whitelist
      Text file with subdomains to analyze

  analyse https://www.google.com
  analyse https://www.youtube.com -d 2 --verbose
  analyse https://www.github.com -t 10 --noCveCache --noCrawlingCache

See code: src/commands/analyse.js

wvat crawl DOMAIN

Searches for all subdomains for a given domain

  $ wvat crawl DOMAIN

  DOMAIN  domain to search subdomains

  -c, --config=config
      Wvat config json file path
      Imports a json file with the following fields:
           "allow_data_reporting"[default: false] - Allows us to collect information on error
           "webtech_command"[default: null] - How to call webtech
           "amass_path"[default: "bin/amass"] - path to amass executable

  -d, --depth=depth
      [default: 2] Maximum page crawling depth

  -g, --graph
      Generate a graph of subdomains

  -k, --crawlingTimeout=crawlingTimeout
      Subdomains crawling timeout

  -n, --noCrawlingCache
      Perform page crawling without using cache

  -t, --timeout=timeout
      Maximum application execution time (in seconds)

  -v, --verbose
      Verbose Mode (outputs all messages to screen)

  -w, --whitelist=whitelist
      Text file with subdomains to analyze

See code: src/commands/crawl.js

wvat cves TECHNOLOGY

Searches CVEs for a given technology

  $ wvat cves TECHNOLOGY

  TECHNOLOGY  technology to search CVEs

  -c, --config=config
      Wvat config json file path
      Imports a json file with the following fields:
           "allow_data_reporting"[default: false] - Allows us to collect information on error
           "webtech_command"[default: null] - How to call webtech
           "amass_path"[default: "bin/amass"] - path to amass executable

  -d, --depth=depth
      [default: 2] Maximum page crawling depth

  -g, --graph
      Generate a graph of subdomains

  -j, --noCveCache
      Search without using local CVE cache

  -k, --crawlingTimeout=crawlingTimeout
      Subdomains crawling timeout

  -n, --noCrawlingCache
      Perform page crawling without using cache

  -t, --timeout=timeout
      Maximum application execution time (in seconds)

  -u, --updateCveCache
      Force update the local CVE cache

  -v, --verbose
      Verbose Mode (outputs all messages to screen)

  -w, --whitelist=whitelist
      Text file with subdomains to analyze

  cves "React Native" --noCveCache
  cves "Windows Server" --updateCveCache

See code: src/commands/cves.js

wvat error-codes

Displays the meaning of the possible error codes generated by the tool

  $ wvat error-codes

See code: src/commands/error-codes.js

wvat exploits CVE

Searches known exploits for a given CVE

  $ wvat exploits CVE

  CVE  CVE to search know exploits

See code: src/commands/exploits.js

wvat help [COMMAND]

display help for wvat

  $ wvat help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

wvat inspect URL

Analyses a given webpage and displays its technologies

  $ wvat inspect URL

  URL  Webpage URL

  -c, --config=config    Wvat config json file path
                         Imports a json file with the following fields:
                         "allow_data_reporting"[default: false] - Allows us to collect information on error
                         "webtech_command"[default: null] - How to call webtech
                         "amass_path"[default: "bin/amass"] - path to amass executable

  -t, --timeout=timeout  Maximum application execution time (in seconds)

  -v, --verbose          Verbose Mode (outputs all messages to screen)

See code: src/commands/inspect.js

wvat update-cve-cache

Updates local CVE cache file

  $ wvat update-cve-cache

See code: src/commands/update-cve-cache.js

wvat whois DOMAIN

Searches for network information for a given domain

  $ wvat whois DOMAIN

  DOMAIN  domain to obtain network information

  -c, --config=config    Wvat config json file path
                         Imports a json file with the following fields:
                         "allow_data_reporting"[default: false] - Allows us to collect information on error
                         "webtech_command"[default: null] - How to call webtech
                         "amass_path"[default: "bin/amass"] - path to amass executable

  -t, --timeout=timeout  Maximum application execution time (in seconds)

  -v, --verbose          Verbose Mode (outputs all messages to screen)

  whois google.com
  whois youtube.com --verbose

See code: src/commands/whois.js

Tool Screencasts

About Command

About Command

Crawl Command

Crawl Command

Inspect Command

Inspect Command

CVEs Command

CVEs Command

Exploits Command

Exploits Command

Analyse Command

Analyse Command

Who Is Command

Who Is Command

Update CVEs Cache Command

Update CVEs Cache Command