
About the automation process I've worked on at White Castle

Credit Automation Process

Every week, as a large company, we receive comprehensive sales data from all White Castle locations. This includes valuable information on hamburger sales, transactions made with our partners, online orders, and more. However, due to the scale of our operations, the process of collecting and verifying this data used to consume an entire day for a dedicated developer.

To address this challenge and enhance efficiency, I took the initiative to develop an advanced automation process using C# and MSSQL. This automation revolutionized our data verification process by significantly reducing manual effort and streamlining operations.

The automation process I implemented works as follows: it automatically checks the incoming sales data and compares it against our internal records. By leveraging the power of MSSQL and its robust procedures, the system autonomously verifies the data integrity. When discrepancies are detected, it promptly generates a detailed report, highlighting the specific castles and transaction details that require attention.

Previously, when inconsistencies arose, developers had to manually sift through vast amounts of data, often facing the daunting task of reconciling credit card charges across our 400 locations. This tedious process often led to time-consuming and error-prone investigations.

With the new automation in place, developers are no longer burdened with spending an entire day deciphering complex data discrepancies. The process runs autonomously at a designated time, analyzing the data, and promptly alerting developers with a comprehensive list of castles that experienced issues. This not only saves valuable time but also empowers developers to address the issues proactively and efficiently.

The benefits of this automation extend beyond time savings. By automating the data verification process, we have greatly enhanced data accuracy, reducing the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies. The system's ability to pinpoint the exact location, date, and nature of the issue enables our developers to quickly identify the root cause and propose effective solutions. This promotes seamless operations and ensures that our sales data is reliable and trustworthy for strategic decision-making.

Furthermore, this automation process has fostered collaboration and streamlined communication within our organization. The generated reports provide clear and concise information, facilitating efficient collaboration between developers and district managers. This seamless flow of information enables swift resolutions and prevents disruptions to our operations.

In summary, the automation process I developed utilizing C# and MSSQL has transformed the way we handle data verification at White Castle. By automating the labor-intensive tasks of data comparison and discrepancy identification, we have achieved significant time savings, improved data accuracy, and enhanced collaboration. This innovation has empowered our developers to focus on more value-added initiatives and ensured the reliability of our sales data, ultimately contributing to the success of our busines
