Sample applications library

This project contains example contracts and interfaces for the TEN platform.

Current samples

1. Guessing game (version 1)

End to end number guessing game that can be run across a variety of networks, including Hardhat, Arbitrum and TEN. Includes contracts and front end that can be run up locally. This sample is now deprecated in favour of the Guessing Game version 2.

2. Guessing game (version 2)

The simplified number guessing game that is run and hosted by Obscuro Labs. Play at and see if you can break the game to guess the hidden number!

3. Spot the ball

The spot the ball game is a game of skill where players must guess the location of a ball in a picture. The game is played in rounds, with each round having a prize pool. Players can submit guesses to the game, and the player with the closest guess to the actual location of the ball wins the prize pool.