
Backup your Pantheon sites to S3 or a remote SFTP server.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Pantheon Backup

An Ansible role which automates backing up your sites on Pantheon to S3 or SFTP.


  • The terminus command must be installed and executable by the user running the role.
  • PHP must be installed for the terminus command to function.
  • The s3cmd command must be installed and executable by the user running the role.
  • The scp command must be installed and executable by the user running the role.
  • The ssh command must be installed and executable by the user running the role.

Please see Pantheon's Terminus documentation on how to install the command.


The following collections must be installed:

  • cloud.common
  • amazon.aws
  • community.general

Role Variables

This role requires one dictionary as configuration, pantheon_backup:

      terminusPath: "/usr/local/bin/terminus"
      cachePath: "/var/tmp"
      debug: true
      stopOnFailure: false
      sources: {}
      remotes: {}
      backups: []


  • terminusPath is the full path to the terminus executable. Optional, defaults to terminus.
  • cachePath is the full path to use as a cache directory for backups. Optional, defaults to the system temporary directory.
  • debug is true to enable debugging output. Optional, defaults to false.
  • stopOnFailure is true to stop the entire role if any one backup fails. Optional, defaults to false.
  • sources is a dictionary of sites and environments. Required.
  • remotes is a dictionary of remote upload locations. Required.
  • backups is a list of backups to perform. Required.

Specifying Sources

In this role, "sources" specify the source from which to download backups. Each must have a unique key which is later used in the pantheon_backup.backups list.

      site_id: '12345678-abcd-ef01-2345-67890abcdef0'
      machineTokenFile: "/path/to/pantheon-machine-token.txt"
      retryCount: 3
      retryDelay: 30

Where, in each entry:

  • site_id is the Pantheon site ID. Required.
  • machineTokenFile is the path to a file containing the Pantheon machine token. Optional if machineToken is specified.
  • machineToken contains the Pantheon Machine token. Ignored if machineTokenFile is specified.
  • retryCount is the number of time to retry terminus commands if they fail. Optional, defaults to 3.
  • retryDelay is the time in seconds to wait before retrying a failed terminus command. Optional, defaults to 30.

Specifying remotes

In this role "remotes" are upload destinations for backups. This role supports S3 or SFTP as remotes. Each remote must have a unique key which is later used in the pantheon_backup.backups list.

    - hosts: servers
              type: "s3"
              bucket: "my-s3-bucket"
              accessKeyFile: "/path/to/aws-s3-key.txt"
              secretKeyFile: "/path/to/aws-s3-secret.txt"
              host: "s3.example.com"
              hostBucket: "my-example-bucket.s3.example.com"
              region: "us-east-1"
              type: "sftp"
              host: "sftp.example.com"
              user: "example_user"
              keyFile: "/config/id_example_sftp"
              pubKeyFile: "/config/id_example_sftp.pub"

For s3 type remotes:

  • bucket is the name of the S3 bucket.
  • accessKeyFile is the path to a file containing the access key. Optional if accessKey is specified.
  • accessKey is the value of the access key necessary to access the bucket. Ignored if accessKeyFile is specified.
  • secretKeyFile is the path to a file containing the secret key. Optional if secretKey is specified.
  • secretKey is the value of the access key necessary to secret the bucket. Ignored if secretKeyFile is specified.
  • host is the hostname of the bucket, typically s3EndPointHostname.tld. Required if not using AWS. See the s3cmd documentation for examples.
  • hostBucket is the hostname of the bucket, typically %(bucket).s3EndPointHostname.tld. Required if not using AWS. See the s3cmd documentation for examples.
  • region is the AWS region in which the bucket resides. Required if using AWS S3, may be optional for other providers.
  • endpoint is the S3 endpoint to use. Optional if using AWS, required for other providers.

For sftp type remotes:

  • host is the hostname of the SFTP server. Required.
  • user is the username necessary to login to the SFTP server. Required.
  • keyFile is the path to a file containing the SSH private key. Required.
  • pubKeyFile si the path to a file containing the SSH public key. Required.

Specifying backups

The pantheon_backup.backups list specifies the backups to ultimately perform, referencing the pantheon_backup.sources and pantheon_backup.remotes sections for connectivity details.

    - name: "example.com database"
      source: "example.com"
      env: "live"
      element: "database"
      disabled: false
      targets: []


  • name is the display name of the backup. Optional, but makes the logs easier.
  • source is the name of the key under pantheon_backups.sources from which to generate the backup. Required.
  • env is the Pantheon environment to backup. Required.
  • element is the element to backup. This can be all, database, files, code, or db. Required.
  • disabled is true to disable (skip) the backup. Optional, defaults to false.
  • targets is a list of remotes and additional destination information about where to upload backups. Required.

Backup targets

Backup targets reference a key in pantheon_backup.remotes, and combine that with additional information used to upload this specific backup.

    - name: "example.com database"
      source: "example.com"
      env: "live"
      element: "database"
        - remote: "example-s3-bucket"
          path: "example.com/database"
          disabled: true
        - remote: "sftp.example.com"
          path: "backups/example.com/database"
          disabled: false


  • remote is the key under pantheon_backup.remotes to use when uploading the backup. Required.
  • path is the path on the remote to upload the backup. Optional.
  • disabled is true to skip uploading to the specifed remote. Optional, defaults to false.

Rotating backups

Backups are uplaoded to the remote with the <site_id>.<env>.<element>-0.tar.gz. Often, you'll want to retain previous backups in the case an older backup can aid in research or recovery. This role supports retaining and rotating multiple backups using the retainCount key.

    - name: "example.com database"
      source: "example.com"
      env: "live"
      element: "database"
        - remote: "example-s3-bucket"
          path: "example.com/database"
          retainCount: 3
          disabled: true
        - remote: "sftp.example.com"
          path: "backups/example.com/database"
          retainCount: 3
          disabled: false


  • retainCount is the total number of backups to retain in the directory. Optional. Defaults to 1, or no rotation.

During a backup, if retainCount is set:

  1. The backup with the ending <retainCount - 1>.tar.gz is deleted.
  2. Starting with <retainCount - 2>.tar.gz, each backup is renamed incremending the ending index.
  3. The new backup is uploaded with a 0 index as <site_id>.<env>.<element>-0.tar.gz.

This feature works both in S3 and SFTP.

Creating a backup when the role runs

By default, this role does not create a backup when it runs. For live sites on Pantheon, scheduled backups are already configured for the live environment. This removes the need for this role to wait and generate the backup on Pantheon prior to downloading it.

In some cases, however, you may need to force Pantheon to create the backup from this role on demand. In that case, you can use the createBackupNow when defining you backup:

    - name: "example.com files"
      source: "example.com"
      env: "live"
      element: "files"
      createBackupNow: true
      targets: []


  • createBackupNow is true to instruct the role to create a new backup on demand. Optional, defaults to false.

It is highly recommended to rely on Pantheon's scheduled backups and set this option to false in except in special circumstances.

Upload retries

Sometimes an upload will fail due to transient network issues. You can specify how to control the backup using the retries and retryDelay keys on each target:

    - name: "example.com database"
      source: "example.com"
      env: "live"
      element: "database"
        - remote: "example-s3-bucket"
          path: "example.com/database"
          retries: 3
          retryDelay: 30
        - remote: "sftp.example.com"
          path: "backups/example.com/database"
          retries: 3
          retryDelay: 30


  • retries is the total number of retries to perform if the upload should fail. Defaults to no retries.
  • retryDelay the number of seconds to wait between retries. Defaults to no delay.

Example Playbook

    - hosts: servers
          terminusPath: "/usr/local/bin/terminus"
          debug: true
              site_id: '12345678-abcd-ef01-2345-67890abcdef0'
              machineTokenFile: "/path/to/pantheon-machine-token.txt"
              retryCount: 3
              retryDelay: 30
              type: "s3"
              bucket: "my-s3-bucket"
              accessKeyFile: "/path/to/aws-s3-key.txt"
              secretKeyFile: "/path/to/aws-s3-secret.txt"
              region: "us-east-1"
              type: "sftp"
              host: "sftp.example.com"
              user: "example_user"
              keyFile: "/config/id_example_sftp"
              pubKeyFile: "/config/id_example_sftp.pub"
            - name: "example.com database"
              source: "example.com"
              env: "live"
              element: "database"
              createBackupNow: true
                - remote: "example-s3-bucket"
                  path: "example.com/database"
                  retainCount: 3
                  disabled: true
                - remote: "sftp.example.com"
                  path: "backups/example.com/database"
                  retainCount: 3
                  disabled: false
            - name: "example.com files"
              source: "example.com"
              env: "live"
              element: "files"
              createBackupNow: true
                - remote: "example-s3-bucket"
                  path: "example.com/files"
                  retainCount: 3
                  disabled: true
                - remote: "sftp.example.com"
                  path: "backups/example.com/files"
                  retainCount: 3
                  disabled: false
         - { role: ten7.pantheon_deploy }


GPL v3

Author Information

This role was created by TEN7.