
Processing errors when running for the first time.

kolitsasg opened this issue · 1 comments

When I run the sync for the first time tickets are created but towards the end the following sample errors appear:
ERROR ERROR:Processor:badly formed hexadecimal processor.py:441
UUID string
NoneType: None

ERROR ERROR:Processor:(sqlite3.IntegrityError) processor.py:441
UNIQUE constraint failed: task.plugin_id
[SQL: INSERT INTO task (plugin_id, jira_id,
updated) VALUES (?, ?, ?)]
[parameters: ('142960', 'VULN-1140',
'2024-06-12 07:32:21.102048')]
(Background on this error at:
NoneType: None

After running the sync multiple times the errors stop appearing. I do not see any evident adverse effect at the moment.

Thats odd, there should never be a nonetype for a plugin ID. If the issue happens again, please re-open the issue and paste the full traceback from the console.