- 0
Cannot be set, It is not on the appropriate screen,
#306 opened by Abudosh7 - 4
During the synchronization process, unauthorized information (tag information) was also synced to Jira.
#301 opened by echo54yu - 7
- 3
Recasted Vulnerabilities are not being synchronized
#305 opened by Mohan1289 - 3
Tenable-Jira Plugin Priority & Severity Match
#304 opened by PiusO - 1
Retrieve vulns with only tagged assets
#302 opened by ltakashvili - 11
Bug when run build parameter
#296 opened by grn9951 - 4
Deleted assets in
#300 opened by ltakashvili - 4
Link tasks with subtask
#298 opened by jjagodzinski - 7
- 0
- 14
Upload only VPR vulnerabilities
#286 opened by ltakashvili - 8
Incorrect time format within Security Center integrations. Possibly timzone/timing issue?
#292 opened by zerokid - 2
Number values quoted on Jira Request
#294 opened by crosenberger-neogov - 3
- 2
- 1 not working
#284 opened by zerokid - 6
Сlosing Jira issues if host no longer available
#279 opened by zaa0777 - 3
- 3
The filter 'wasVuln' is invalid (valid filters: acceptedRisk, acceptRiskStatus, assetID, auditFileID, benchmarkName, cceID, cpe, cveID, baseCVSSScore, cvssVector, cvssV3BaseScore, cvssV3Vector, dataFormat, daysMitigated, daysToMitigated, dnsName, exploitAvailable, exploitFrameworks, familyID, firstSeen, iavmID, ip, lastMitigated, lastSeen, mitigatedStatus, msbulletinID, outputAssets, patchPublished, pluginModified, pluginPublished, pluginID, pluginName, pluginText, pluginType, policyID, port, protocol, recastRisk, recastRiskStatus, repositoryIDs, responsibleUserIDs, vulnRoutedUserIDs, vulnRoutingRuleID, severity, solutionID, stigSeverity, tcpport, udpport, uuid, vulnPublished, wasMitigated, xref, vprScore, assetCriticalityRating, hostUUID, assetExposureScore, aesSeverity, netbiosName).
#283 opened by zerokid - 3
APIError: [403: POST] body=b'{"type":"regular","response":"","error_code":202,"error_msg":"Retrieving user LCEs during Query validate failed.\\nUnable to retrieve group\'s LCEs.\\nSQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: GroupLCE\\n","warnings":[],"timestamp":1721040191}\n'
#282 opened by zerokid - 12
Task closed mistakenly due to no open subtasks
#277 opened by ltakashvili - 4
Support to sync Audit findings
#270 opened by captainfalcon23 - 11
Issues are not closed
#280 opened by kmplngj - 3
Error when sync: Key "info" does not exist
#278 opened by ltakashvili - 7
error_code:10; Resource is not supported
#276 opened by zaa0777 - 8
- 5
sync tasks are created for more than 30 days in jira
#273 opened by Flv-cmd - 4
Invalid Field Id: customfield_10985
#274 opened by packetfairy - 1
NotRenderableError: unable to render Integer; a string or other renderable object is required
#271 opened by zaa0777 - 4
The task is Done ,but subtask is "to do"
#269 opened by havengit - 1
Processing errors when running for the first time.
#272 opened by kolitsasg - 7
Jira Issue Tokens are Deleted?
#266 opened by cc-vy - 1
Ignore or autoclose risk accepted vulnerabilities
#264 opened by kolitsasg - 4
Sync error
#265 opened by havengit - 2
Sub-task's state is to do, but task is done
#262 opened by havengit - 5
Severity change will not sync to jira
#257 opened by havengit - 2
New assets authorized to the account, unable to sync this information to jira
#258 opened by havengit - 4
Failed to map severity to jira priority
#259 opened by havengit - 12
Tenable account privileges
#255 opened by havengit - 6
PermissionError: [WinError 32]
#252 opened by HotSpoon-ColdMango - 3
Tag contain space
#253 opened by havengit - 1
Issue with RestApi Response from Jira
#251 opened by kmplngj - 1
Filtering what we feed into Jira
#248 opened by eejit2 - 1
Filter assets by tag
#247 opened by havengit - 2
Config issue new integration version
#249 opened by kmplngj - 2
- 9
Tenable-Jira Cloud Integration - script runs, but no issues appear in Jira
#244 opened by jacksonblalock - 4
Frozen RUNPY error - Python 3.12.1
#242 opened by PaulW8080 - 1
Error uploading config file
#243 opened by FlyS3c