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Accurics Labs

Welcome to the Accurics labs! This site contains a variety of labs that can be used to learn Accurics.

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About Accurics

The adoption of cloud native infrastructure such as serverless, containers, and service mesh are enabling organizations to deliver new innovations to market. Unfortunately, over 30 billion records have been exposed in cloud breaches over the last two years and the velocity of these breaches continues to accelerate. Traditional cloud security approaches are becoming untenable for securing transient cloud native infrastructure.

Accurics provides a fundamentally new approach for protecting cloud native infrastructure by embedding security during development to establish a secure posture and maintaining it through runtime. The Accurics platform detects and remediates policy violations as well as potential breach paths across Infrastructure as Code (IaC). It maintains the secure posture by monitoring cloud native infrastructure in runtime and assessing changes for risk. Developers are notified about legitimate changes and the code to update the IaC is checked into the repository for review. In contrast, developers are notified about risky changes and the code to revert to the secure baseline is provided so that they can reprovision the cloud and eliminate the change. Establishing IaC as the single source of truth for risk posture enables immutable security.