
Inferflow is an efficient and highly configurable inference engine for large language models (LLMs).

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Version Stars Issues

Inferflow is an efficient and highly configurable inference engine and service for large language models (LLMs). With Inferflow, users can serve most of the common transformer models by simply modifying some lines in corresponding configuration files, without writing a single line of source code.

Main Features

  1. Extensible and highly configurable: A typical way of using Inferflow to serve a new model is editing a model specification file, but not adding/editing source codes. We implement in Inferflow a modular framework of atomic building-blocks and technologies, making it compositionally generalizable to new models. A new model can be served by Inferflow if the atomic building-blocks and technologies in this model have been "known" (to Inferflow).
  2. 3.5-bit quantization: Inferflow implements 2-bit, 3-bit, 3.5-bit, 4-bit, 5-bit, 6-bit and 8-bit quantization. Among the quantization schemes, 3.5-bit quantization is a new one introduced by Inferflow.
  3. Hybrid model partition for multi-GPU inference: Inferflow supports multi-GPU inference with three model partitioning strategies to choose from: partition-by-layer (pipeline parallelism), partition-by-tensor (tensor parallelism), and hybrid partitioning (hybrid parallelism). Hybrid partitioning is seldom supported by other inference engines.
  4. Wide file format support (and safely loading pickle data): Inferflow supports loading models of multiple file formats directly, without reliance on an external converter. Supported formats include pickle, safetensors, llama.cpp gguf, etc. It is known that there are security issues to read pickle files using Python codes. By implementing a simplified pickle parser in C++, Inferflow supports safely loading models from pickle data.
  5. Wide network type support: Supporting three types transformer models: decoder-only models, encoder-only models, and encoder-decoder models.
  6. GPU/CPU hybrid inference: Supporting GPU-only, CPU-only, and GPU/CPU hybrid inference.

Below is a comparison between Inferflow and some other inference engines:

Model New Model Support Supported File Formats Network Structures Quantization Bits Hybrid Parallelism for Multi-GPU Inference Programming Languages
Huggingface Transformers Adding/editing source codes pickle (unsafe), safetensors decoder-only, encoder-decoder, encoder-only 4b, 8b Python
vLLM Adding/editing source codes pickle (unsafe), safetensors decoder-only 4b, 8b Python
TensorRT-LLM Adding/editing source codes decoder-only, encoder-decoder, encoder-only 4b, 8b C++, Python
DeepSpeed-MII Adding/editing source codes pickle (unsafe), safetensors decoder-only - Python
llama.cpp Adding/editing source codes gguf decoder-only 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 8b C/C++
llama2.c Adding/editing source codes llama2.c decoder-only                        - C
LMDeploy Adding/editing source codes pickle (unsafe), TurboMind decoder-only 4b, 8b C++, Python
Inferflow Editing configuration files pickle (safe), safetensors, gguf, llama2.c decoder-only, encoder-decoder, encoder-only 2b, 3b, 3.5b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 8b      ✔      C++

Support Matrix

Supported Model File Formats

  • Pickle (Inferflow reduces the security issue of most other inference engines in loading pickle-format files).
  • Safetensors
  • llama.cpp gguf
  • llama2.c

Supported Technologies, Modules, and Options

  • Supported modules and technologies related to model definition:

    • Normalization functions: STD, RMS
    • Activation functions: RELU, GELU, SILU
    • Position embeddings: ALIBI, RoPE, Sinusoidal
    • Grouped-query attention
    • Parallel attention
  • Supported technologies and options related to serving:

    • Linear quantization of weights and KV cache elements: 2-bit, 3b, 3.5b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 8b
    • The option of moving part of all of the KV cache from VRAM to regular RAM
    • The option of placing the input embedding tensor(s) to regular RAM
    • Model partitioning strategies for multi-GPU inference: partition-by-layer, partition-by-tensor, hybrid partitioning
    • Dynamic batching
    • Decoding strategies: Greedy, top-k, top-p, FSD, typical, mirostat...

Supported Transformer Models

  • Decoder-only: Inferflow supports many types of decoder-only transformer models.
  • Encoder-decoder: Some types of encoder-decoder models are supported.
  • Encoder-only: Some types of encoder-only models are supported.

Models with Predefined Specification Files

Users can serve a model with Inferflow by editing a model specification file. We have built predefined specification files for some popular or representative models. Below is a list of such models.

  • Aquila (aquila_chat2_34b)
  • Baichuan (baichuan2_7b_chat, baichuan2_13b_chat)
  • BERT (bert-base-multilingual-cased)
  • Bloom (bloomz_3b)
  • Facebook m2m100 (facebook_m2m100_418m)
  • Falcon (falcon_7b_instruct, falcon_40b_instruct)
  • Internlm (internlm-chat-20b)
  • LLAMA2 (llama2_7b, llama2_7b_chat, llama2_13b_chat)
  • Mistral (mistral_7b_instruct)
  • Open LLAMA (open_llama_3b)
  • Phi-2 (phi_2)
  • YI (yi_6b, yi_34b_chat)

Getting Started

Get the Code

git clone https://github.com/inferflow/inferflow
cd inferflow


  • Build with cmake on Linux, Mac, and WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux):

    • Build the GPU version (that supports GPU/CPU hybrid inference):

      mkdir build/gpu
      cd build/gpu
      make install -j 8
    • Build the CPU-only version:

      mkdir build/cpu
      cd build/cpu
      cmake ../.. -DUSE_CUDA=0
      make install -j 8

    Upon a successful build, executables are generated and copied to bin/release/

  • Build with Visual Studio on Windows:

    Open one of the following sln files in build/vs_projects:

    • inferflow.sln: The GPU version that supports GPU/CPU hybrid inference
    • inferflow_cpu.sln: The CPU-only version

    For the Debug configuration, executables are generated to bin/x64_Debug/; while the output directory for the Release configuration is bin/x64_Release/.

Run the Service and Tools

  • Example-1: Load a tiny model and perform inference

    Step-1: Download the model

    cd {inferflow-root-dir}/data/models/llama2.c/
    bash download.sh

    Step-2: Run the llm_inference tool:

    cd {inferflow-root-dir}/bin/
    release/llm_inference llm_inference.tiny.ini
  • Example-2: Run the llm_inference tool to load a larger model for inference

    Step-1: Edit configuration file bin/llm_inference.ini to choose a model

    Step-2: Download the selected model

    cd {inferflow-root-dir}/data/models/{model-name}/
    bash download.sh

    Step-3: Run the tool:

    cd {inferflow-root-dir}/bin/
  • Start the Inferflow service:

    Step-1: Edit the service configuration file (bin/inferflow_service.ini)

    Step-2: Start the service:

    cd bin/release (on Windows: cd bin/x64_Release)
  • Run the Inferflow client (for interacting with the Inferflow service via HTTP protocol to get inference results):

    Step-1: Edit the configuration file (bin/inferflow_client.ini)

    Step-2: Run the client tool:

    cd bin/release (on Windows: cd bin/x64_Release)


Inferflow is inspired by the awesome projects of llama.cpp and llama2.c. The CPU inference part of Inferflow is based on the ggml library. The FP16 data type in the CPU-only version of Inferflow is from the Half-precision floating-point library. We express our sincere gratitude to the maintainers and implementers of these source codes and tools.