Tensor network based quantum software framework for the NISQ era
- 0
Jitted Function Save/Load
#229 opened by xiazhuo - 0
Incompatibility with Qiskit >=1.0
#228 opened by mkrompiec - 1
#226 opened by Ncver740 - 1
#225 opened by UESTC-YLH - 7
Add Jittor backend
#210 opened by xiazhuo - 14
- 1
Add examples benchmarking different contractor settings provided by cotengra
#212 opened by refraction-ray - 16
Improve the slow complication of MPSCircuit
#213 opened by royess - 1
SPSA optimization example
#73 opened by refraction-ray - 2
- 3
Vmap isn't working when using JAX-based MPSCircuits
#214 opened by Muzhou-Ma - 10
- 3
- 8
MPS circuit with JIT compilation
#204 opened by Muzhou-Ma - 2
jit compile circuit with any gate
#200 opened by Muzhou-Ma - 4
- 6
- 1
`copy` operation of DM circuit forgets previous `apply_general_kraus` operations
#203 opened by SUSYUSTC - 2
Bug in qiskit circuit parsing
#199 opened by yangcal - 2
- 3
Allow sparse matrix as circuit input
#197 opened by royess - 2
tensor network representation of a tensor circuit
#196 opened by Muzhou-Ma - 1
Implementation of SHVQE with QAS
#190 opened by royess - 2
Support trainable adptive circuit
#179 opened by Muzhou-Ma - 3
Fermion Gaussian State Simulator
#156 opened by refraction-ray - 7
Applying gates with jnp index
#171 opened by haimengzhao - 0
Stabilizer simulator
#159 opened by refraction-ray - 4
Enhance <QAOA portfolio tutorial>
#150 opened by FelixXu35 - 6
- 3
- 1
increase the abundance of the QAOA tutorial
#145 opened by FelixXu35 - 3
Wired input and output of function "c.amplitude"
#147 opened by FelixXu35 - 1
- 2
docker file need updating
#146 opened by WeileiZeng - 2
Failed to transfer Tensor to Numpy when using jit
#143 opened by LuoJMs - 2
Breaking change on optimizer in tf2.11
#110 opened by refraction-ray - 4
- 2
all contributor update reserved
#112 opened by refraction-ray - 2
- 0
- 2
Can't import tensorcircuit in nightly build
#93 opened by liwt31 - 4
- 1
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Add QCNN blocks
#46 opened by royess - 1
Hybird loss backward when sums up the classical and quantum loss in pytorch interface with tf backend.
#63 opened by XiaoTailong - 3
- 0
Add example scripts on noisy machine learning with both KerasLayer and TorchLayer
#55 opened by refraction-ray - 2
- 2
- 3
Autograph error when appending circuirt block
#48 opened by royess