Vault Plugin: TencentCloud Platform Secrets Backend

This is a backend plugin to be used with Hashicorp Vault. This plugin generates unique, ephemeral user API keys and STS AssumeRole credentials.

Quick Links


This is a Vault plugin and is meant to work with Vault. This guide assumes you have already installed Vault and have a basic understanding of how Vault works. Otherwise, first read this guide on how to get started with Vault.

From Sources

If you prefer to build the plugin from sources, clone the GitHub repository locally.

Build the plugin

Build the secrets engine into a plugin using Go.

$ go build -o vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud ./cmd/vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud/main.go


Copy the plugin binary into a location of your choice; this directory must be specified as the plugin_directory in the Vault configuration file:

plugin_directory = "vault/plugins"

Start a Vault server with this configuration file:

$ vault server -config=vault/server.hcl

Once the server is started, register the plugin in the Vault server's plugin catalog:

$ SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud | cut -d ' ' -f1)

$ vault plugin register -sha256=$SHA256 secret vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud

$ vault plugin info secret vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud

You can now enable the TencentCloud secrets plugin:

$ vault secrets enable -path=tencentcloud vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud
Success! Enabled the vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud secrets engine at: tencentcloud/

If you are testing this plugin in an earlier version of Vault or want to develop, see the next section.


If you wish to work on this plugin, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (whichever version is required by Vault).

Make sure Go is properly installed, including setting up a GOPATH.

Get Plugin

Clone this repository:

mkdir $GOPATH/src/`
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone

(or use go get ).

You can then download any required build tools by bootstrapping your environment:

$ make bootstrap

To compile a development version of this plugin, run make or make dev. This will put the plugin binary in the bin and $GOPATH/bin folders. dev mode will only generate the binary for your platform and is faster:

$ make
$ make dev

Install Plugin in Vault

Put the plugin binary into a location of your choice. This directory will be specified as the plugin_directory in the Vault config used to start the server.

plugin_directory = "path/to/plugin/directory"

Start a Vault server with this config file:

$ vault server -config=path/to/config.json ...

Once the server is started, register the plugin in the Vault server's plugin catalog:

$ vault write sys/plugins/catalog/tencentcloudsecrets \
        sha_256="$(shasum -a 256 path/to/plugin/directory/vault-plugin-secrets-tencentcloud | cut -d " " -f1)" \

Any name can be substituted for the plugin name "tencentcloudsecrets". This name will be referenced in the next step, where we enable the secrets plugin backend using the tencentcloud secrets plugin:

$ vault secrets enable --plugin-name='tencentcloudsecrets' --path="tencentcloud" plugin


This plugin has integration tests and acceptance tests.

The integration tests only test offline without real network API request.

The acceptance tests will send real API requests to TencentCloud.

Run the integration tests:

$ make test

Run the acceptance tests:

  • provide your credentials via TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID and TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY environment variables and set your CAM role arn via TENCENTCLOUD_ARN environment variables
export TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID=AKID12l4j5ljqatgaljgalg
export TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY=alkfj23lkraljq5lj532lr32l4
export TENCENTCLOUD_ROLE_ARN=qcs::cam::uin/12345678:roleName/test
  • Run acceptance tests
make test-acc 

Other Docs

See up-to-date docs and general API docs.