UI-less SDK demo

This demo starts from [Real time Interaction - Education Edition]( https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1168/53651 ) Integrated mobile e-commerce version of the business function SDK. Supports functions such as microphone connection, barrage, and number management. Temporary experience link

Framework and environmental dependencies

  • nextjs 14+ ,Supporting flexible business development modes and performance optimization solutions, static deployment, SSR rendering, reference documents
  • nodejs 20,If there are multiple nodejs environments locally, it is recommended to use 'nvm' for management, reference documents
  • bootstrap,Basic style and responsive feature support, reference documents

Development Guide

npm i
npm run dev

By default, port 8100 is started and can be modified in the 'package. json' file.

The .env environment variable file currently mainly includes the following variables:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_PATH:The base path for project access, which defaults to /next, http://localhost:8100/next

Project Architecture

Before becoming familiar with the project architecture, it is necessary to understand the predefined routing structure of the nextjs framework( https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/pages-and-layouts )And [document]( https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions ).

After reading the above content, refer to this figure to understand the business functions of the code base. The basic business functions are due to context:


  • It should be noted that by default, it is written in the app directory as a server-side component. The code supports node-side rendering. For the pure browser-side basic library introduction method, refer to bootstrap.min.js through external links and npm package introduction method. See watch_sdk.


无UI版SDK demo

本demo从实时互动-教育版的业务功能SDK集成移动电商版本。 支持连麦,弹幕,人数管理等功能。临时体验地址


  • nextjs 14版本 ,支持较灵活的业务开展模式和性能优化方案,静态化部署,SSR渲染,相关文档
  • nodejs20,如果本地有多nodejs 环境,建议用nvm进行管理,相关文档
  • bootstrap,基础样式和响应式功能支持,相关文档


同时开发watch_sdk,需要链接基础库 npm link /your/path/watch_sdk,不开发忽略此条

npm i
npm run dev

默认启动 8100 端口,可以在package.json文件内修改。


  • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_PATH:项目访问的基础路径,默认为 /next,启动环境后从http://localhost:8100/next 路径访问首页


熟悉项目架构前,需要了解nextjs框架预定义路由结构文件。 阅读完上述内容后,参考此图以了解代码基座业务功能,基础业务功能由于contexts:


  • 需要注意的是默认写在app目录下为服务端组件,代码支持node端渲染,纯浏览器端基础库引入方式参考bootstrap.min.js通过外链引入,npm包引入方式参考watch_sdk