
A service that gives real-time departure time for public transportation

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A service that gives real-time departure time for public transportation

1. Problem Statement

Create a service that gives real-time departure time for public transportation (use freely available public API). The app should geolocalize the user.

2. Solution

Rest-based web service that provides the real-time departure time at a user-provided stop. This service utilizes the Nextbus API.

3. Build & Run Instructions

  • Obtain repository from GitHub

    $ git clone https://github.com/tendaitt/realTimeDeparture.git

  • Go into project directory

    $ cd realTimeDeparture/

  • Build the project using gradle

    $ ./gradlew build -x test

  • To run locally, execute the following command

    $ ./gradlew bootRun

  • Application should be live at http://localhost:8080/

    PS:The page shown is a AngularJS page showing the result for a hard-coded stop.

  • To run in Eclipse omit the bootRun step and continue on to the following subsection.

Importing into Eclipse

  • Generate eclipse dependencies

    $./gradlew eclipse

  • Open Eclipse.Go to File->Import

  • Under Gradle, select Existing Gradle Project

  • Complete the steps in the wizard and Finish

  • You will now be able to start the project in Eclipse by running the src/main/java/com/assessment/departure/DepartureTimeApplication.java class.

  • Application should be live at http://localhost:8080/

4. Hosted Location

5. Using the application

Once the application is running or you go to the hosted location, you can use it by adding a <stopTag> value in the URL as illustrated below.

URL structure


Sample URLs

Sample Response

{"stopTitle":"Duboce Ave & Church St","direction":"Inbound to Caltrain/Ball Park","waitTime":2}


  • stopTitle: the name of the stop.
  • direction: the direction of the bus.
  • waitTime: the time, in minutes, until the next bus arrives.

PS If the direction and waitTime are empty, there are no available predictions for departure at that time.

Sample <stopTag>

7217 4447 4448
5731 5206 3913
6995 3912 5193

6. Technical Decisions

Missing functionality

  • Application does not geolocalize the user to provide the result. Instead it takes a user input for a stop and returns the wait time. This feature was not implemented partly because the Nextbus API does not have a prediction request that takes in a Longitude and Latitude.

Additional Feature

Instead of merely returning the wait time, the application also retrieves the stop title and direction of the bus.


  • The decision to implement the application as a REST-based web service was largely due to familiarity with the technology.
  • The application also models a Service Oriented Architecture. This ensures that we can easily replace components such as the Nextbus API with minimal code changes.

7. Trade-offs and Improvements


Since there is no geolocalization of the user, an alternative approach to retrieving the wait time had to be used. The application uses a prediction API call, from Nextbus, that takes in a <route tag>, <agency tag> and <stop tag>. The route and agency are hard-coded while the user provides the stop tag.


  • Add a fully functioning UI for the application.
  • Add integration testing and increase the number of unit tests for the application.
  • Implement geolocation functionality.
  • Handle the scenario where the Nextbus API is down or it does not return the expected value.

8. Personal Links