
Rendering application for beta symptom and condition pages

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub release Build Status Gemnasium Test Coverage Code Climate Issue Count

This application is a Node based application that runs on beta.nhs.uk.



  1. Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/nhsuk/betahealth
  1. Install node dependencies:
npm install


Run development mode

You can run the server in develop mode. Develop mode auto restarts the node server if you make any changes to it and if you connect to the server using http://localhost:3001 this will use browser-sync to automatically show any changes instantly in the browser.

To run develop mode:

npm run develop

In addition you can build the code yourself using gulp:

gulp build

or lint the code for styleguide warnings and errors

npm run lint

If you want to update build related code and scripts then each task is a gulp script located at 'gulp/tasks'.

Content Store

The project can run without a Content Store at the moment.

If you set CONTENTSTORE_TYPE to file, it will use the content contained in the content folder.

If you do want to use a Content Store, manage the content via an admin area and access it via REST API, you'll have to have a copy of the NHS.UK Content Store running on port 8000 and set CONTENTSTORE_TYPE to rest.

.env file

npm run develop command pre-loads local ENV variables from .env file (ignored by Git) before running development server. If you need to include local environment variables in development add them to .env file in the root of the app directory in the following format:


There's an .env.example with pre-populated development data including urls to the Content Store.

To use that, copy the file:

cp .env.example .env

Grab the auth token from the Content Store Django admin http://localhost:8000/django-admin/oauth2_provider/accesstoken/ and add it to the CONTENTSTORE_AUTH_TOKEN var in your .env file.


The FS Me web font can only be used in a license permitted manor which means they cannot be included in this repository as it is publicly accessible.

If you want to run the fonts in a development environment you will need to include them in a directory that is ignored by git: ./assets/fonts/fsme/. The files in this directory should then be:


Environment variables

Environment variables are used to set application level settings for each environment.

Variable Description Default
NODE_ENV node environment development
PORT server port 3000
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID Google Analytics property id
SHOW_DEVELOPMENT_ROUTES Will show development only routes in a production environment if true false
WEBTRENDS_TRACKING_ID Webtrends tracking id
HOTJAR_TRACKING_ID Hotjar tracking id
FONT_CDN Base url where the font is served /
STATIC_CDN Base url where all other assets are served
LOG_LEVEL Level of logging to user warn
WDIO_BASEURL base URL for webdriver to use for acceptance tests http://localhost:${PORT}
WDIO_SCREENSHOTPATH path where webdriver screenshots are saved
WDIO_REPORTPATH path where webdriverio test runner reports are saved
BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME Browserstack username
BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY Browserstack access key
TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER The number of the current Travis build
TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER The number of the current Travis job
DISABLE_FEEDBACK Whether to disable feedback. On by default. Set this to true to disable
FEEDBACK_API_BASEURL Base feedback endpoint
FEEDBACK_API_KEY Key for feedback API if needed
FEEDBACK_TIMEOUT Timeout before the request to the API fails 5000
APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY Application insights instrumentation key
CONNECTINGTOSERVICES_BASEURL Base URL for connecting to services application /
CONTENTSTORE_TYPE Operational mode for content store. Accepted options: rest, file or fallback (which tries rest first and falls back to file) file
CONTENTSTORE_API_BASEURL Base URL for the content store API, eg http://hostname.com/api. No trailing slash
CONTENTSTORE_AUTH_TOKEN OAuth2 bearer token for authenticating with the API
CONTENTSTORE_TIMEOUT Timeout before the request to the API fails 5000
CONTENTSTORE_IMAGE_BASEURL Base url for the image endpoint, eg http://hostname.com/images. No trailing slash
CONTENTSTORE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_KEY Key used to generate the signature for image paths from the content store
CONTENTSTORE_IMAGE_PROXY_PATH The local path to use for the image proxy /content-images
PREVIEW_SIGNATURE_KEY Key used to generate the signature for preview pages in content store


Unit tests

Unit tests are located in ./test/unit/. They are run using the mocha framework.

To run unit tests:

npm run test:unit

Acceptance tests

Acceptance tests are located in ./test/acceptance/. They are run using webdriverio. Basic configuration for webdriverio is in ./test/acceptance/wdio.conf.js. Other configurations exist for different environments.

To run the default configuration (run against Chrome, Firefox and Phantomjs):

npm run test:acceptance

To run headlessly (in Phantomjs) only:

npm run test:acceptance-headless

Tests can also be run in the cloud on BrowserStack. If using the default webdriver base url of http://localhost:3000 then you will need to setup local testing for BrowserStack. If you want to test against a remote url, set the WDIO_BASEURL to the desired url.

To run tests on BrowserStack:

npm run test:acceptance-cloud

Test coverage

Unit test coverage can be run using Istanbul.

To run test coverage:

npm run coverage

Continuous integration

Acceptance tests, unit tests and code linting are all run on Travis.

Unit tests are run locally on Travis.

Acceptance tests are run on browserstack against a Heroku review app url. When each PR is created on Github a review app is created on Heroku. A test script is then run on Travis which waits for the right commit to be deployed and runs the tests against this url.

Note: This setup is not ideal and currently doesn't allow for acceptance tests to be run on pushes to a specific branch, for example develop or master.


We'd like to thank BrowserStack for providing a sponsored plan for this project.