Web3Skills and MetaGame Presents

MetaFest2 Games in Voxels

hosted by Scott Stevenson, Web3 Legal Engineering

Over $1000 USD in Prizes.

Some in MATIC and some in wrapped Ether on the Polygon blockchain.

There are 8 Quest games and 2 Treasure Hunts with easy to solve clues! Each prize ranges from around $20 to $200 depending on the game played.

300,000 square feet of displays

Over 300,000 square feet of space is used for demonstrations and gated meeting spaces in Web3skills parcels in Voxels.

Access Token for MetaFest2

Start: Go to Voxels.com

No username or password is required in Voxels. You can tour the metaverse world completely anonymously. If you would like to participate and play for prizes/rewards you will need a Web3 account connected to Voxels. There does not need to be any tokens or money in the account to play the standard games but the account will need to be connected to Voxels.

This is done by signing a cryptographic message only you could sign. You can learn more here

Game Tip:

This image links you back to the Web3Skills Hub where you will be able to fast travel to any location use in the quests and events. Use it often if you need to go back and start your quest again. Citywalk 24 is where all the quest games start.

You can find it on the directory in the Web3Skills Hub parcel.

Before you start.

In Voxels, if you want to turn off the sound right click your browser tab and Mute the site.

If you want to adjust the audio, sounds, and chat first select the audio mixer and then you will use the audio mixer to select the right balance for your Metaverse experience.

Clicking this symbol takes you back to a Hub where you can regain your bearings and fast-travel back to important waypoints to finish your quest or hunt.


You maneuver in Voxels using your keyboard and mouse. Use arrow keys or WASD for the direction you want to travel. Pressing "F" key toggles "fly" mode where you defy the laws of gravity. It also allows you to swim to the surface if you fall into the water.

Travelling fast

Pressing the "Shift" key and a direction key allows you to run or fly fast. Keep track of where you are on the map in the lower right corner of the screen.

Be patient.

Sometimes the page needs time to load. If you think your computer is working too slow, the browser may be trying to catch up to a lot of movements. You can reload the page with F5 and it may require you to reorient your avatar.

Voxels is still in it's early days and nothing will operate perfectly. We hope you don't get too frustrated and everything operates as planned, but remember this is not a race but an experience. There are a lot of valuable clues that will lead to a richer experience and rewards if you pay close attention.

Reload to Voxels.com else fails.

Lettered and Numbered walls

The Lettered Numbered walls are located throughout the event to help players orient themselves for convenience. The numbers and letters on the walls allow palyers to find the clues easily. Write the clues down in order as they appear and as they are called for in the clues section below.

Swim if you fall in.

If you fall in to the water and need to get out press the F key to fly in pointing the direction you want to travel with the arrow keys. If you find yourself trapped under the parcels, look up for a separation between the large squares. Those gaps represent the streets and you will be able to fly out of the uderwater/underground. It may take a few tries and if you get frustrated you can always start again at the origin at https://voxels.com and make you wayback to the Hub or look for one of these to fast-travel to Web3Skills Hub

"H" displays the menu.

There is a lot you can do in Voxels. Press press the "H" key for a whole menu of choices. Press the "G" key if you are adventurous and want to interact with other players.

Token Gated Parcels - Access Token Required

Players will not be able to enter gated parcel without an Access Token being in your connected Web3 account. These Access Tokens are easy to get and they follow the 1155 standard on the Polygon EVM blockchain in token-speak. The Access Token are minted on the Polygon Blockchain and secured by the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a protocol that runs the Ethereum public blockchain other blockchains like Polygon to processes transactions.

There are two additional games for the Web3Skills event in MetaFest2. These two games are in-world Treasure Hunts where players will relocate in different parts of the Voxels world and find clues that will be entered into a final game form. Treasure Clues 1-4 are part of the walk from the world-center in Origin City are common for both treasure hunts (there is not a CityWalk fast travel location to those of Joy and Scarlett Factory). All remainng treasure hunt clues are located in a Citywalk parcel that can be fast-travelled to from the Web3Skills Hub .

The first people to correctly submit the Treasure Hunt answers from the clues and submit them in the proper order will win and automatically get access to the account's rewards. The first person who decodes all the Quest clues and assembles the private key for a Web3 account will win and automatically get access to the account's rewards.

Even if a participant is not the first person to successfully answer the clues, additional prizes will be given to second and third places. All remaining correct answers will receive a MetaFest2 commemorative digital token that will allow for special access to gated content.

Thank you for participating in MetaFest2.

Game On!

Step 1: Go to Voxels.com and press Play

Connect your Web3 account (optional)

Step 2:

Travel east for 10 blocks until you see Joy's parcel. Travel south for 6 blocks until the end of the road.

Step 3:

You are now at the Main Game Center Click the form on the right of the grassy entrance just behind the trees in the cover of the parcel.

Enter your Web3 address to register. You don't have to fill out any of the clues yet. The first time you fill this out just leave that field blank. This step is only the registration and you will use this form again with new entry (at other locations) to fill in your final clues guess.

After you enter the form information it's time to familiarize yourself with the Rules of the Games and the starting potions for each game, treasure hunt or informational tour.

Hint: (the moving glowing bars are linked to the next location on the tour. The static glowing bars (not moving) have no hyperlink, so don't bother clicking them. Sometimes you will need to change your angle to activate the hyperlink or press the "F5" key if you need to reload the page. Hyperlinked images will have a larger cirlcle at the mouse cursor location to malke them easy to recognize.

The MetaFest Quest Games in General

Each MetaFest2 quest has a series of games attached to it. Each colored lane represents one of the games. Some of the games are present in several quests.

In general, the Blue lanes represent Game 1. Orange lanes represent Game 2. Magenta lanes represent Game 3. Yellow lane represents Game 4. Purple lane represents Game 5. Teal lane represents Game 6. Green lane represents Game 7. And red lane represents Game 8.

Some of the quests are designed to teach about MetaGame by collecting clues.

For example the MetaGame Roles Quest, the blue lane represents the MetaGame Builder Guild. The orange lane is used for the Designers Guild. The yellow lane is for the Writers Guild. The purple lane used is for the Shillers Marketing Guild. The green lane is used for the Artists Guild. The teal lane is used for the Innkeepers Guild. The magenta and red lanes are used for special quests.

None of that really matters above. It's just for reference because you can take any lane you want, and even do every lane if you want to march through the games.


Quest 1:

MetaGame Role Selection Quest


This will transport participants to the MetaGame role selection parcel. Start by reading the content on the walls and place special attention on the differnt guilds. Once you have an idea about the guild and role you are interested in exploring select it from the wall. You will be transported to the next quest location.

In this parcel, you will see a vending machine at the top of the fountain stairs. Go into the water and collect your first clue. The vending machine is used for participants that would like to own the Web3Skills MetaFest2 Access Token. The token is not required to participate in the basic quests but is required for accessing the private gated parcels that may contain additional rewards and clues.

In this parcel there are three large video screens on the east and south walls. Watch all three videos carefully and then answer the questions. Write you answers down in the order they are asked and you will submit the answers at the end of the quest where you started the journey at Citywalk 24 in the Main Game Center parcel.


Quest 2:

Player's Journey Quest


Select the magenta "Click Here" button. Select your colored lane. Each lane has it's own reward and participants are not competing against the other lanes but only all the participants running in the same colored lanes.

Continue through your colored lane picking up the clues/seed words until the tour is over and you are back at Main Game Center at Citywalk 24 where you will be facing another journey. Take your time and collect the clues/seed words that will be used to assemble a Web3 address.

Take your time and collect the clues/seed words that will be used to assemble a Web3 address. The rewards can be swept by the first player who successfully assembles the see phrase and unlocks the reward in the account.

Stay in your colored lane until you reach the video screen at 1 Citywalk parcel. Each clue is a seed word that will need to be written down and submitted in the order that it was collected. You will find clues of the seed words in the first part of the game (colored lanes) and in the final phase of the game where you will walk among each other taking the MetaGame Player's Onboarding Journey on the east side of Origin City.

Once you have reached item A86 (after following the numbers from A1, A2, A3 ...) select the bouncing purple play button. Not not all numbers between A1 and A86 are visible so just make sure you follow the numbers in order to find the clues. Refer to the A1-A86 location to find the clues, answer the questions, complete the objectives, and win the rewards.

This journey requires the participants to learn as they are collecting the clues. The participants are both playing a game and learning about how to become a better MetaGame player at the same time. At the conclusion of the quest, one player from each colored role lane will get have all that is necessary to assemble private key. THe first winner will be the one that sweeps the rewardsfrom the Web3 account.

All addional participants that complete the quest will receive a digital token that will grant access to Web3Skills content and a place on the Web3Skills team that onboards MetaGame players. Once the participants return to the Main Game Center at Citywalk 24 they must enter their clues into the Web3Skills Treasure Hunt 2022 form at the parcel entrance.


Quest 3:

Utopia World Tour


Select your colored lane. Each lane has it's own reward and participants are not competing agains the other lanes but only all the participants running in the same colored lanes. Continue through your colored lane picking up the clues/seed words until the tour is over and you are back at Main Game Center at Citywalk 24 where you will be facing another journey. Take your time and collect the clues/seed words that will be used to assemble a Web3 address. The rewards can be swept by the first player who successfully assembles the see phrase and unlocks the reward in the account.

For Access Token Holders

If you are holding the MetaFest2 game token you will be able to enter the first floor and collect the clue word on the first floor, then return to the colored lanes in the front of the parcel. Select any of your desired lanes and collect the clues (if any) on floors 2, 3 and 4. On each successive press of the MetaFest2 logo will finish with you on the top floor of the building. Click the moving vending machine game and you will be transported to the next location.

At the next location you will be able to enter another gated parcel where you will see some of the unternal working of MataGame and collect more clues and seed word used towards the rewards. Once you have collected your clues click the same colored button from the lane you just came from on Miami island (2 Utopia).

Non-Token Holders Hunt

Once you are faced with a gated parcel at 2 Utopia on Miami, look around the parcel to get your essential clues to assemble the private key.

No you need go get to the roof. For non-Access Token holdsers, press the "F" key to use fly-mode and fly to the top of the building. Then locate the moving vending machine and click it. You will be transported to the next treaure hunt location.

At the next location you will not be able to enter the gated parcel (wrapped in pink) but you will be able to wander around the area. This is an important area for MetaFest2 so pay attention. You will be able to find the original MetaGame Headquarters, the Web3 Event Center, several art galleries, and the main presentation stage at 10 Chalk Gardens, and vending machines.

After you are done exploring go back to the intersection of Alco Gardens and Cordy Throughway. There is a vending machine at 13 Citywalk you can use to explore the Web3Skills MetaFest2 Access Token.

If you would like to continue the tour without the token, find and press the yellow "Click Here" button at the entrance of the Web3 Event Center at the 11 Citywalk location (14 Alco Gardens).

For all participants that continue the journey will find themselves at the Citywide Civic Center (35 Citywalk). This parcel contains a 5-lane treasure hunt that is a continuance from the Web3 Event Center. The player must continue in the same color lane they previously used from the beginning of the event. For non token holders, this is the first time you will pick a colored lane and use it to finish the quest game.

Select a color (or you may already transported to your lane fromt he previous event location at 11 Citywalk at 14 Alco Gardens in Junkyard area.)

Continue through your colored lane picking up the clues/seed words and then pressing the moving colored bar until you are placed outside your colored lane, Now continue to the open area in front of you. If you do not hold the Access Tokenthere will be a pink wrapped parcel right in front of you. Click the rotating key and you will be placed in the next location of the event.

If you hold the Access Token you will be able to enter the Web3Skills Smartlaw Keylocked parcel. Move to the microphone platform and find the clue on the platform. Next, locate the key just beyond the microphone and click it. Find your way this little maze through trial and error until you are back on the ground floor. Then select the MetaFest2 logo on the wall below the Metaverse Recorder's Office sign. Don't forget to pick up your clue.

Now your are facing two vending machines. The vending machine to the left allows you explore a digital asset that can be used to enter a Web3Skills SmartLaw training program. The vending machine to the right transports you to the roof of this parcel. Click the big red circular icon and you will be transported to the final task of this quest game.

Now all the participants (with or without an Access Token) will be back at the Main Game Center parcel on 25 Citywalk. Enter your answer into the Web3Skills Treasure Hunt 2022 form at the entrance to the parcel.

Stay tuned for the missing clues on June 22nd to be the first to unlock the account and sweep the rewards into your own account. Any participants that collect all the clues/seed words with or without the game tokens will receive a participation reward and qualify for credits in the Web3Skills SmartLaw training program.


Additional Clue Games - Treasure Hunts 1 and 2



Treasure Hunt 1


The first Treasure Hunt for MetaFest2 is connected to the players journey. Select a guild lane from the Roles Quest and navigate through the gates until you are at CityWalk 1.

From this location you will go on a walking tour where you will need to read the panels on the wall and answer questions related to what you read. This is a way that MetaGame can help onboard new players and at the same time rewarding those interested in playing. The best way to learn the basics of MetaGame is through a self-guided tour of the materials with other players. MetaGame offers tools in Web3 ecosystem to help others begin to embrace the tehnology. Those who are successful at becoming engaged in the MetaGame community well earn experience in participating with the community as well as by completing simple tasks that fit into one of the meta-game operating guilds.

Select the clues and answer the questions in order that they were asked and when you are complete. Answer the questions in the order that they were asked and when you are confident your answers are correct you will return to the main game Center by selecting the green button.

You will return back to CityWalk 24 the main game Center location and fill out the game form at the entrance.

HINT: all the answers are single words.


Clues for Treasure Hunt 1

There are thirty (30) clues and questions that must be answered to complete the quest.

Clue in Joy's Parcel

Go to Voxels.com and travel 10 block to the east until you see the yellow Joy parcel.

Clue Question 1

Who is the message for in Joy's parcel? Fill in the blank: "Hi ________, try again =)"

Clues in Scarlett Factory

Travel south until you reach the Scarlett Factory it's the building all in red.

Find this image in the Scarlett Factory?

Clue Question 2

What is the second word of the title of this digital art piece? Fill in the blank: "The Old ___________"

Clue Question 3

Who made the winning bid?

Clue Question 4

Who is the current owner of the digital art piece?

Clues in Citywalk 11 - Web3 Events Center

Now select the CityWalk 11 banner on the directory and you will fast travel to the Web3 Event Center hosting Metafest2.

Navigate to the second floor by using the up arrows or flying to the entrance location on Alco Gardens.

Find the art located at position D47 fill in the blank:

Clue Question 5:

**" _________ Girl"**
Clue Question 6:

Now look for position D21 and fill in the blank: **" _________ @MerkeSeeds"**
Clue Question 7:

Now look for panel D48 and D49 and fill in the blank: "Two ________ of Alice"

Clue Question 8:

Now go to panel D60 and fill in the blank: "The ________ fractal sets.""

This treasure hunt continues in Citywalk 1.

Now select the CityWalk 1 banner on the directory and you will fast travel to the Web3 Event Center hosting Metafest2.

Clues along the Players Journey

Clue Question 9

Go to A5 and fill in the blank: "Attending weekly Cohort call consitently for _______ weeks"

Clue Question 10

Go to A10 and fill in the blank: "Register your _______ identity for Web3Skills events and games.""

Clue Question 11

Go to A16 and answer this: What is the word that starts with the letter "d" at the top of the image. ___________

Clue Question 12

Go to A35 and answer this: Second word on the image: _________

Clue Question 13

Go to A36 and answer this: First word on the image: _________

Clue Question 14

Go to A43 and answer this: First word on the image: _________

Clue Question 15

Go to A44 and answer this: First word on the image: _________

Clue Question 16

Go to A110 and fill in the blank: " Sourcecred _____________ Explorer Beta"

Clue Question 17

Go to A53 and answer this: What is the name of the quest? Fill in the blank: " __________ Quest"

Clue Question 18

Go to A55 and fill in the blank: "Introduce yourself in the __________ Guild "

Clue Question 19

Go to A56 and answer this: How can you get BONUS POINTS? Fill in the blank**"BONUS POINTS for having your own ________ scheduled and presented"**

Clue Question 20

Go to A58 and fill in the blank: "Regster your forum ________ in #set-eth-address"

Clue Question 21

Go to A59 and fill in the blank: "REWARD: Ability to edit and use MetaGame _________ , Access to our backend documentation, p+XP for bonus completion."

Clue Question 22

Go to A60 and answer this: Where do players report when they did a thing. Fill in the blank. "REPORT LOCATION: Report in ____________ with the proper format under "shilling" branch.

Clue Question 23

Go to A61 and fill in the blank: "Pair up with another player and slay a _________ Quest."

Clue Question 24

Go to A62 and fill in the blank: " How People Become ____________ "

Clue Question 25

Go to A77 and answer this: What is in the white space in the image at location A77. "A ___________"

Clue Question 26

Go to A78 and answer this: How many player profile panels are shown on the images at location A78: ________

Clue Question 27

Go to A79 and fill in the blank: "Proceed to the dashboard & explore the rest of _______________ v0.1."

Clue Question 28

Go to A80 and answer this: What was the number for "Last Week"?: _________

Clue Question 29

Go to A81 and answer this: What is the player name at the top of the list? ________________

Clue Question 30

Go to A82 and answer this: What is the title of the image at A82. Fill in the blank " MetaGame ________________ "

Clue Question 31

Go to A83 and answer this: What is in the blue button at the top of the image. Fill in the blank: " Create _______ "

Clue Question 32

Go to A84 and fill in the blank. " _________ Explorer "

Clue Question 33

Go to A86 and answer this regarding the subission of your answers. Fill in the blank: "Click the green button _________ you enter your final gues in the form above."

Now you should have 33 words that are the answers to each question or clue you needed to collect. If you feel your answers are complete you will enter the 33 words in the order that they were asked in this document into the form.

You will place your answers in the form located at location A86 on the Player's Journey or at the entrance of Citywalk 24 in the Main Game Center.

Make sure to include your Web3 address so you can receive your commemorative token and hopefully the first, second, or third place prize.

Thank you for participating in manifest to sponsored by Web3Skills SmartLaw.


Treasure Hunt 2


Clues Hunt for Treasure 2

Access Token Required for all clues. You can solves for some of the clues but not all of them. Consider requesting an token during MetaFest2 or focus on Treasure Hunt 1 above that does not require an Access Token.

Clue in Joy's Parcel

Go to Voxels.com and travel 10 block to the east until you see the yellow Joy parcel.

Clue Question 1

Who is the message for in Joy's parcel? Fill in the blank: "Hi ________, try again =)"

Clues in Scarlett Factory

Travel south until you reach the Scarlett Factory it's the building all in red.

Find this image in the Scarlett Factory?

Clue Question 2

What is the third word of the title of this digital art piece? Fill in the blank: "The Old _________ "

Clue Question 3

Who made the winning bid?

Clue Question 4

Who is the current owner of the digital art piece?

Clue in Citywalk 42

Go to Citywalk 42 from the Web3Skills Hub or by starting from the MetaGame Roles Quest.

Find the calendar on the southern wall.

Clue Question 5

According to the calendar in Citywalk 42 ** The Champions calls are scheduled on ____________ **

Clues in Citywalk 42

To continue, select one of the guild icons and you will be teleported to the next clue parcel ar Citywalk 43.

Pick up the two clues in the fountain and keep them in order.

Clue Question 6

Clue 6 is: _________

Clue Question 7

Clue 7 is: _________

You will need to watch the three videos in order to answer the questions.

Clue Question 8

In the first video what is the type of food truck running along the track? "A ______ is on top of the truck running on the tracks.""

Clue Question 9.

What is the very last word in the video. Fill in the blank: "The __________" 3m44sec

Clue Question 10.

Find the address of the Eye Worship Garden. Fill in thie blank "3 _____ Road" 1m56s in on the video.

Find the Self.id profile on the west wall.

Clue Question 11.

Who's profile is shown from the self.ID pages on the southern wall? Fill in the blank. "Tenfinney ( _________)"

Clues in Citywalk 27

Go to Citywalk 27 from the Web3Skills Hub or by starting from Main Game Center (Citywalk 24) and traveling east into Junkyard. From the Whaleshark Gallery at Citywalk 27:

Look for two pieces of art.

Clue Question 12:

Look for this piece of art: "Ben's ______ "

Clue Question 13:

Find the art of a flying car. Fill in the blank "Braham ________"

End of Treasure Hunt 2 for non-holders of the the Access Token.

If you do not have the event access token these are all the clues you will find. Put your answers in the form in Citywalk 24 the Main Game Center.

Clues in Citywalk 34

If you have the event access token you will be able to enter the parcel. If you do not have an access token you can request one during the event and one will be provided to you.

The next clue is in the gated parcel of CityWalk 34.

In Citywalk 36 you can explore the access tokens and smart-contracts used for these events. If you would like to learn more about Web3 applications select the hyperlinked content.

The first clue is inside the gated parcel on the third floor just in front of the microphone stand.

Clue Question 14:

The clue in the platform is: __________

Locate the key behind the microphone stand and select it. Now take your chances by escaping the elevator shaft. If you are successful you will be looking at a MetaFest2 to logo and there will be a clue just down below it.

Clue Question 15:

The clue on the wall is: ________________

Reposition until you are standing in front of the vending machine on the right and look for the clue in it.

Clue Question 16

The clue in the vending machine is: ______________

Finish the Hunt

Now you should have 16 words that are the answers to each question or clue you needed to collect. If you feel your answers are complete you will enter the 16 words in the order that they were asked in this document into the form

Click on the MetaFest2 vending machine and you will be transported onto the roof. Select the large red target and you will be teleported back to the Main Game Center at Citywalk 24. You are now ready to submit your clues.

Now you should have 16 words that are the answers to each question or clue you needed to collect. If you feel your answers are complete you will enter the 16 words in the order that they were asked in this document into the form.

You will place your answers in the form located at at the entrance of Citywalk 24 in the Main Game Center.

Make sure to include your Web3 address so you can receive your commemorative token and hopefully the first, second, or third place prize.

Thank you for participating in manifest to sponsored by Web3Skills SmartLaw.

Special Credit Boosters:

1. Create a private key to connect to Web3.

For the best meta-verse and voxels experience generate a private key and set up a meta-mask plug-in on your browser. This will allow you to qualify for rewards and commemorative digital tokens. Remember only share your public key never the private key.

Execute a Blockchain transaction on Polygon using MATIC?

Nothing will get a new user more comfortable using Web3 than prcessing a transaction from a connected account. Obtaining a private key is free and easy. Take a moment and use the tools here to create private keys on your local computer.

Final Decoder posted June 21, 2022.

Decoder through private key character 60

Reward Accounts

Reward Accounts status topped-off-acct
0xC580cA77cA6aecd66f884812B6ab414DB79cD18A key decoded tx: 0x2ab16...2b7af 6/21/2022
0xD92d30D23C2d5881aD81F8E93eD80683d5B736A6 key decoded tx: 0x1fbdc...2bc9e 6/21/2022
0x0907F2b753D908516d377343e28A9d7206a43594 key decoded tx: 0x21bc2...54213 6/21/2022
0x4F78e8Df2369DF6Ed05740e5C6C39B186Ad12333 key decoded tx: 0x0d77b...17054 6/21/2022
0x405Bc6F8D7B2361Bc51C8fCbc908424Ff354Fb5e key decoded tx: 0x00971...7b88a 6/21/2022
0xe10e83D11dC590D9e00D2F6857D603195185f6E8 key decoded tx: 0x03518...96361 6/21/2022
0x4c50F64AfA9D51315cc1E5661809Ba95f688ade9 key decoded tx: 0xd7592...1e96e 6/21/2022
0xA17ac19e96350E712B838C5aA683Fe9b2D73764C key decoded tx: 0xb186d...69734 6/21/2022

2022 Treasure Hunt and Games for MetaFest2 sponsored by MetaGame, Web3Skills and SmartLaw.

These events are designed to show opportunities using the power or Web3 which includes private interactions with public blockchains, token gated content, and private meeting spaces. Some of the games and treasure hunts require reading and comprehension. The purpose is a comnbination of education and infotainment to help people better becoming acquanted and familiar with the new internet.

The Voxels parcels used for these events can be tailored to paying customers who want a sizable presence in a metaverse without the overhead of purchasing their own metaverse parcels. This may be good for a temporary event, presentation, or for a long-term permanent interactive application. Parcel owners who provide architectural services and design services allows for everybody to get involved in the metaverse. Think of Voxels in general as a world of three dimensional websites all living together in a shared world. In individual parcels that are managed can offer a rich expansive experience as a event center that hosts different shows throughout the year. Individual parcels can be set up the same way and if they are close enbough together, they can be designed with a common theme.

Voxels parcels are also great for hosting after hour events were being physically together is impractical. After a long day at a convention you can meet up in a parcel where there are interactive activities that groups can gather, interact, play games and earn rewards.

The implication on using a metaverse in the workplace can have a posite impact on efficiency. An increase in productivity based on proxmity to contect and ease of access. Businesses that embrace the metaverse may find their productivity increasing for certain tasks because Web allows for a new style of workflow where data is freely available in a shared database where both encrypted in unencrypted information can all live together.

This goal with SmartLaw and Web3Skills working with MetaGame is to develop, host and implement practical tools for the new Internet.

Web3Skills presents Digitalax in Voxels

let's play

https://youtu.be/_oIX1tFthFc https://bafybeihr3fyer75tbtjvigahojf7g672qebctfhel7owvpguahcag6udaa.ipfs.infura-ipfs.io/


https://youtu.be/n4XaMNJz0IY https://bafybeiboqhuhsqvoazhxe5pxvhsnmdqkk2s3f52yz7amqo5m73mgq6s3xi.ipfs.infura-ipfs.io/

full walkthrough:

https://youtu.be/CuFq5tFra60 https://bafybeigzv7opnfp2oe3knukqyx5xxpg72xt2m2mxuueqt2upkocxug4q3i.ipfs.infura-ipfs.io/