Use sagacious_succotash

Ten Forward Rails application template

This template made for Rails 4.2.3

This command assumes you are running rails new in the same directory that you cloned this repo.

rails new <project_name> --skip-test-unit --database=postgresql --template=./rails_application_template/template.rb

Generator templates

The files in lib/templates/rails are modified from their source in the rails repo


  • See template.rb
  • Extract sections into their own self contained generator (and add to jefferies tube)
  • Use gsub_file instead of copy_file when able? (so changes can be made to the same file from multiple places)
  • Add responsive tables javascript
  • Add admin flag to user


First time

rails new a_test --skip-test-unit --database=postgresql --template=path/to/template.rb

Every time after

cd a_test && spring stop && cd .. && rm -rf a_test && rails new a_test --skip-test-unit --database=postgresql --template=path/to/template.rb