Unmarshal env to struct.
Package goenv is a package to unmarshal environments of the os to a struct
object. It must be use tag for fields. The tag name is env
. For example:
type Number struct {
One int `env:"one"`
Two float32 `env:"two"`
- bool, []bool
- string, []string
- int, []int
- int8, []int8
- int16, []int16
- int32, []int32
- int64, []int64
- uint, []uint
- uint9, []uint9
- uint16, []uint16
- uint32, []uint32
- uint64, []uint64
- float32, []float32
- float64, []float64
- struct
For bool type, if the environment is not set, the value is false. Otherwise, the value is true.
envirnoment nameenvdef
default value if unseted.envsep
if a slice, use this to split items. Default is,
The Field must be exported if want to unmarshal.
import "fmt"
import "github.com/tenfyzhong/goenv"
type Number struct {
zero int `env:"zero"`
One int `env:"one"`
Two int `env:"two"`
Three bool `env:"three"`
Four string `env:"four"`
Five string
Six *int8 `env:"six"`
Sevent uint `env:"sevent"`
Eight float32 `env:"eight"`
Nine bool `env:"nine"`
Ten *bool `env:"ten"`
Substruct *struct {
S1 int `env:"s1" envdef:"1"` // "substruct.s1"
S2 []int `env:"s2" envdef:"1,2"` // "substruct.s2"
S3 []int `env:"s3" envdef:"1:2" envsep:":"` // "substruct.s2"
} `env:"substruct"`
func main() {
n = &Number{}
err := goenv.Unmarshal(n)
if err == nil {