Engineering Practices at Open Government Products

This directory contains the engineering practices that are observed at the Open Government Products division of the Singapore Government.

This repository is intended to be a living, breathing document that evolves as the organisation grows. All OGP engineers are welcome to make contributions or propose changes, by filing a pull request using the Request For Comment (RFC) template available in this repository.

Practices are currently in place for the following areas:

Developer Environment

Source Control


  • Backend

    • RESTful API routing organisation
    • Using Object Relational Mappers (ORMs)
  • Frontend

    • Template Screens
    • State Management
  • Testing

    • Unit
    • Integration
    • End-to-End
  • Libraries and tools


Monitoring and Incident Response


Project maintenance

Useful starter code templates

Marketing and Engagement

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Zendesk

Policy exemptions

See here.