GHUnit install setps for iOS app


Mac OS X 10.6.8 Xcode 4.2 GHUnit 0.5.6


  1. Download from downloads
  2. Unzip the file. And you can see "GHUnitIOS.framework" directory
  3. Create new project in Xcode
  4. Add Target as Empty application 'Tests' for GHUnit
  5. Import GHUnitIOS.framework into Frameworks
    • Right-click "Frameworks" and 'Add Files to "XXXX"...' in project navigator.
    • I checked "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" checkbox.
  6. Add settings to 'Other Linker Flags' in build settings of Tests.
    • In the Tests target, Build Settings, under Other Linker Flags, add -ObjC and -all_load.
  7. delete unused files
    • Tests/AppDelegate.h
    • Tests/AppDelegate.m
  8. Change AppDelegate class name to GHUnitIOSAppDelegate
  9. add QuartzCore.framework into Link Binary in "Tests" - "Build Phases" - "Libraries"