
`rm_is_safe` makes your rm command more safer, you don't worry about your rm will delete important files such as /bin,/lib...

Primary LanguageShell


[English | 简体中文]

rm_is_safe makes your rm command more safer.

How it works

rm_is_safe creates a shell script named /bin/rm which replaces the native rm(at the same time, it will backup the native rm command to /bin/rm.bak). So, how do you use rm, how do you use rm_is_safe.

rm_is_safe will check all arguments after rm, if arguments contains some important files, it will skip your rm command.

rm_is_safe is effective for all users(already exists or future newuser).

Which file is important?

  1. / and subfiles or subdirs under /, these files always be protected

  2. also you can specify important files in /etc/security/rm_fileignore, one file path one line. like below:


All files specified in this file will be protected, you can't detele them with rm.


  1. Obviously, there is no recursion here. So, '/bin' is safe, but '/bin/aaa' is not safe in default
  2. There is no need to add root / or subdirs under / to /etc/security/rm_fileignore
  3. Paths you defined in /etc/security/rm_fileignore can trail slashs, both '/home/junmajinlong' and '/home///junmajinlong/////' are valid
  4. Don't use wildcard in the paths you defined in /etc/security/rm_fileignore
  5. Don't define relative path in /etc/security/rm_fileignore


1.git clone or copy the shell script to your host

$ git clone https://github.com/malongshuai/rm_is_safe.git

2.Execute rm_is_safe.sh

$ cd rm_is_safe
$ sudo bash rm_is_safe.sh

Now, your rm is safe.

3.If you really want to remove protected files, you can use /bin/rm.bak, it is the native rm command.

$ rm.bak /path/to/file

4.If you want to uninstall rm_is_safe, execute function uninstall_rm_is_safe:

# if uninstall_rm_is_safe command is not found, `exec bash` first
$ uninstall_rm_is_safe

Now, your rm is the native /bin/rm.